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Review of heart transplantation from hepatitis C-positive donors
Browse: 192   Download: 589   Issue Date: 2022-12-18
Is the near coming xenotransplantation era relieving us from needing to look for more non-living organ donors?
Browse: 218   Download: 679   Issue Date: 2022-12-18
Parvovirus B19 status in liver, kidney and pancreas transplant candidates: A single center experience
Browse: 192   Download: 728   Issue Date: 2022-11-18
Effects of an active lifestyle on the physical frailty of liver transplant candidates
Browse: 224   Download: 841   Issue Date: 2022-11-18
Surgical chest complications after liver transplantation
Browse: 183   Download: 489   Issue Date: 2022-11-18
Challenges in liver transplantation in the context of a major pandemic
Browse: 170   Download: 472   Issue Date: 2022-11-18
Role of immunotherapy in downsizing hepatocellular carcinoma prior to liver transplantation
Browse: 170   Download: 611   Issue Date: 2022-11-18
Effect of panel reactive antibodies on T cell immunity reinstatement following renal transplantation
Browse: 186   Download: 621   Issue Date: 2022-10-18
COVID-19 in a pregnant kidney transplant recipient - what we need to know: A case report
Browse: 201   Download: 698   Issue Date: 2022-10-18
Simultaneous kidney transplantation and ipsilateral native nephrectomy in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Browse: 221   Download: 404   Issue Date: 2022-09-18
Liver transplantation during COVID-19: Adaptive measures with future significance
Browse: 193   Download: 419   Issue Date: 2022-09-18
Vitamin D deficiency may predispose patients to increased risk of kidney transplant rejection
Browse: 185   Download: 444   Issue Date: 2022-09-18
Growing challenge of post-liver transplantation non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Browse: 158   Download: 367   Issue Date: 2022-09-18
Gastrointestinal manifestations, risk factors, and management in patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder: A systematic review
Browse: 250   Download: 591   Issue Date: 2022-08-18
Trends and outcomes of liver transplantation among older recipients in the United States
Browse: 242   Download: 650   Issue Date: 2022-08-18
Kidney disease in non-kidney solid organ transplantation
Browse: 247   Download: 600   Issue Date: 2022-08-18
Emergency department visits and hospital admissions in kidney transplant recipients during the COVID-19 pandemic: A hospital-based study
Browse: 217   Download: 642   Issue Date: 2022-08-18
Hypertension in kidney transplant recipients
Browse: 222   Download: 546   Issue Date: 2022-08-18
Portal vein-variceal anastomosis for portal vein inflow reconstruction in orthotopic liver transplantation: A case report and review of literature
Browse: 244   Download: 427   Issue Date: 2022-07-18
Enhanced recovery after surgery in liver transplantation: Challenges and feasibility
Browse: 215   Download: 352   Issue Date: 2022-07-18