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Dr. Tchilikidi work as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery, Altai State Medical University. Having received his MD degree from Altai State Medical University in 1993, Dr. Tchilikidi undertook his postgraduate training at the Altai Territory Hospital and Altai State Medical University Hospital and has worked as Surgeon-Oncologist in the Abdominal Surgery Department of Internal Medicine since 1993. He defended his dissertation in Tomsky Cancer Reseach Institute and received confirmation from Supreme Attestation Commission in 2000. In 2005 he has been invited to Altai State Medical University ans has been elected as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Surgery. He started as a lecturer in 2007. In 2014 he became a member of American Society of Transplantation. And in 2015 - a member of European Society of Organ Transplant. His ongoing research interests are liver cirrhosis, alveolar echinococcosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver transplantation, obstructive jaundice. He has more than 50 publications.