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Dr. Zaiou is a Professor of molecular biology and clinical biochemistry at the school of Pharmacy, University of Lorraine, France. After having received his PHD degree from Henri Poincaré University, Nancy, France in 1993, Dr. Zaiou performed his first postdoctoral fellowship in molecular biology of cardiovascular diseases at The Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, and a second one in cancer biology at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Baltimore, MD, USA. In 1997, he returned to The Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia to became an Assistant Professor where worked on the molecular biology and genetics of cardiovascular diseases. In 2000, Dr. ZAIOU moved to The University of California at San Diego, where he got interested into the concept of antimicrobial peptides and their potential development as natural antibiotics. In 2005, he joined The University of Lorraine, France, where he is teaching Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacogenetics, and Biotechnology related to drugs. His current primary research interest is in the area of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms involved in metabolic disorders. In particular, he is interested into the issue of how environmental factors, mainly diet, alter gene expression programs through epigenetic mechanisms and consequently cause phenotypes such as diabetes, obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. He served as a guest editor in several journals and currently, he is guest editor of a special issue in the journal “Cells” and another one in “Cancers”. Dr. Zaiou is also a reviewer of several scientific journals, and has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles.