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Sule Poturoglu graduated in 1989 from Istanbul University, Istanbul         Faculty of Medicine and specialized in 1994 in internal medicine at the Haseki Training and Research Hospital and in 2004 in Gastroenterohepatology at Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. She participated in national multi-center gastrointestinal studies and international phase III studies in field hepatology. She has awards in national gastroenterology congresses in field inflammatory bowel disease (2006) and hepatology (2009) and  a certificate of appreciation from Istanbul Governorship (2010).  She has European Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology certify 2010 (EUMS). She became associate professor in 2011. She is currently working  as clinician and teaching staff in  the department of Gastroenterology  at Haseki Training and Research Hospital in Istanbul. She is the associate editor of the Medical Bulletin of Haseki and the secretary of the research support committee in the same hospital. She is the accountant of Istanbul branch of the Turkish Gastroenterology Association. Inflammatory bowel diseases and hepatitis B and C are of her special interest.  She has published national and international articles about inflammatory bowel disease and hepatitis B and C and various aspects of gastroenterology.