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Dr. Luca Viganò, is a Staff Surgeon in the Department of Hepatobiliary & General Surgery at the Humanitas Clinical and Research center. Since several years, he is actively involved in clinical research about liver diseases. He published more than 70 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, reaching more than 2300 citations and a H-index of 25. Dr. Viganò is PhD in Hepatobiliary Oncology and in 2013 achieved the National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor of Surgery. His main field of interest is the outcome analysis of patients affected by primary and metastatic liver cancers after potentially curative treatment, the prognosis prediction and the multidisciplinary integration of treatment protocols. He did a Clinical Fellowship at the Henri Mondor Hospital, Paris, France. He coordinated international studies involving some of the most relevant European institutions (Paul Brousse Hospital, Villejuif, France; University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland; S. Orsola Hospital, Bologna, Italy; Catholic University, Rome, Italy) and took part to relevant international studies (MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA;  Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, USA; Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin, Germany). Dr. Viganò is involved in the elaboration of the multi-society Italian guidelines for HCC management as delegate of the Italian Society if Surgery. He is Associate Editor of two international peer-review journals (Digestive Surgery and Updates in Surgery)and is referee of several international journals. Dr. Viganò has been invited as chairman/speaker in about 40 National and International Meetings and presented oral communications at relevant European and International Congresses.