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I am a consultant nephrologist  (CCST, UK) with interests in medical education (Masters) and kidney transplantation (Masters, on-going). I have lived and worked in UK for fifteen years and did all my professional training in UK. My undergraduate and postgraduate affiliations are with the University of Manchester (UK), University of Leeds (UK), University of Liverpool (UK) and Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei). I am currently working in Brunei Darussalam as the Chief of Renal Services in the country. Having spent a significant proportion of my medical career in UK, my main work ethos is to provide a similar high-quality care in developing countries. This includes setting up 'bread and butter' renal services in small countries that have the potential to make life-changing impact. As such, I believe that we should aspire to make kidney transplantation accessible and available in an equitable and sustainable fashion worldwide. I have numerous academic achievements in kidney transplantations, with up to 20 transplant-related publications (including reviews, original research and case reports) in this field. Most importantly- with my unique educational and work background- I believe I can be an advocate for kidney transplant in small and developing countries and provide a unique perspective to your journal.