Basic Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Diabetes. Dec 15, 2018; 9(12): 239-251
Published online Dec 15, 2018. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v9.i12.239
Table 1 Level of glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood of experimental animals (mmol/L)
Biochemical parametersControl animals (Group 1)Diabetes, 30 d (2nd group)Diabetes, 60 d (2nd group)
Glucose (mmol/L)5.99 ± 0.3325.98 ± 1.84a32.60 ± 0.80a
Hb A1с (%)5.12 ± 0.247.10 ± 0.60a6.45 ± 0.29a
Insulin (μg/L)1.28 ± 0.190.47 ± 0.05a0.36 ± 0.04a
Table 2 Characteristics of the thickness of the retina and its individual layers (μm, M ± m)
GroupRetinal layers
Total thickness of the retina
Layer rods and conesOuter nuclear layerOuter plexiform layerInner nuclear layerInner plexiform layerGanglion cell layer
Control (group 1)36.31 ± 5.1156.43 ± 1.729.85 ± 1.6825.82 ± 0.7638.93 ± 4.7917.82 ± 0.72185.16 ± 9.42
Diabetes at 30 d (group 2)28.65 ± 3.44a51.62 ± 6.51a11.46 ± 1.5926.1 ± 1.5540.21 ± 7.1415.98 ± 1.37a174.00 ± 2.93a
Diabetes at 60 d (group 3)28.38 ± 1.43a56.87 ± 5.309.69 ± 1.04c26.24 ± 0.95a39.94 ± 7.1014.65 ± 2.05a175.77 ± 5.22a
Table 3 Average number of blood vessels and pigment cells in the choroid of the eyes of experimental animals (per unit area, S = 0.01 mm2)
Control (group 1)Diabetes at 30 d (group 2)Diabetes at 60 d (group 3)
No. of blood vessels2.62 ± 0.331.79 ± 0.07a1.59 ± 0.22a
No. of pigment cells35.23 ± 5.6920.5 ± 0.39a10.1 ± 2.42a
Table 4 Number of Ki-67 positive cells in the layers of the retina (M ± m)
GroupLayers of the retina
Inner nuclear layer
Ganglion cell layer
1000 at 1 mm2
% of Ki-67 positive cells1000 at 1 mm2
% of Ki-67 positive cells
All cellsKi-67 positive cellsAll cellsKi-67 positive cells
Control (group 1)28.60 ± 2.117.25 ± 0.9325.46 ± 3.537.71 ± 1.010.99 ± 0.312.98 ± 3.24
Diabetes at 30 d (group 2)27.94 ± 1.144.92 ± 0.92a17.82 ± 3.79a5.45 ± 0.78a0.42 ± 0.18a7.83 ± 3.11a
Diabetes at 60 d (group 3)29.24 ± 2.564.55 ± 1.5a15.4 ± 4.76a6.19 ± 0.79a0.59 ± 0.3a9.95 ± 5.12
Table 5 Quantitative distribution of macrophages in the eyes based on the structures (M ± m / 1 mm2)
Structure of the eyeControl (group 1)Diabetes at 30 d (group 2)Diabetes at 60 d (group 3)
Choroidea4.16 ± 3.314.99 ± 2.8414.4 ± 6.69a,c
RetinaGanglionic layer18.46 ± 2.669.42 ± 1.00a16.25 ± 5.30c
Inner nuclear layer11.25 ± 3.716.6 ± 2.59a7.87 ± 1.71a