Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. May 7, 2017; 23(17): 3150-3162
Published online May 7, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i17.3150
Table 1 Main characteristics of 46 patients recruited for the study
ParameterValue (mean ± SD or frequency)
Population n (%)
M29 (63%)
F17 (37%)
Age (yr)
mean ± SD47.5 ± 12
BMI (kg/m2)
mean ± SD29.3 ± 6.1
BMI (kg/m2)
Obesity grade
18.5-24.9 (normal weight)23.90%
25-29.9 (overweight)43.50%
30-34.9 (class I obesity)17.40%
35-39.9 (class II obesity)8.70%
≥ 40 (class III obesity)6.50%
Waist circumference (cm)
M100.88 ± 12.97
F101.88 ± 15.07
Obesity central (Waist circumference)
M (> 102 cm)48.30%
F (> 88 cm)82.40%
Waist-to-hip ratio
Android obesity
M (≥ 1)41.40%
F (≥ 0.85)70.60%
Gynoid obesity
M (≤ 0.94)20.70%
F (≤ 0.78)0.00%
Components of MS2
04 (8.7%)
120 (43.5%)
210 (21.7%)
35 (10.9%)
45 (10.9%)
52 (4.3%)
Liver steatosis grade
13 (6.5%)
219 (41.3%)
324 (52.2%)
MedDiet Score
mean ± SD28.4 ± 3.9
Physical activity
No24 (52.2%)
Yes22 (47.8%)
16 (13%)
27 (15.2%)
37 (15.2%)
> 32 (4.3%)
No35 (76.1%)
Ex3 (6.5%)
Yes8 (17.4%)
Table 2 Frequency of metabolic syndrome’ components in patients with metabolic syndrome
ComponentHypertensionBlood pressureTGHDLSerum glucose
Table 3 Anthropometric, clinical and metabolic parameters at baseline, mid-intervention (3M) and end-intervention (6M) and results of the statistical analysis
Parametermean ± SD, BLmean ± SD, 3Mmean ± SD, 6MP value
BL vs 3M3M vs 6MBL vs 6M
BMI (kg/m2)29.3 ± 6.1128.0 ± 6.2127.5 ± 6.21< 0.01a< 0.01a< 0.01a
Waist circumference (cm)101.25 ± 13.6397.50 ± 14.0796.24 ± 13.64< 0.01a< 0.01a< 0.01a
Hip-to-waist ratio0.95 ± 0.080.94 ± 0.070.93 ± 0.08< 0.01a< 0.01a< 0.01a
AST (U/L)36.16 ± 21.1128.73 ± 11.2824.84 ± 10.70< 0.01a< 0.01a< 0.01a
ALT (U/L)65.66 ± 31.9248.37 ± 33.4437.33 ± 19.53< 0.01a< 0.01a< 0.01a
GGT (U/L)60.19 ± 61.4341.35 ± 36.4939.73 ± 35.36< 0.01a0.545< 0.01a
FA (U/L)81.48 ± 37.1979.54 ± 32.0480.04 ± 35.020.4890.7870.574
Total cholesterol (mg/dL)215.24 ± 40.78205.04 ± 41.75207.18 ± 38.480.044a0.5980.097
LDL cholesterol (mg/dL)137.70 ± 32.87131.25 ± 35.88130.16 ± 32.650.0710.9410.050a
HDL cholesterol (mg/dL)49.72 ± 10.5950.17 ± 11.6453.09 ± 11.860.550< 0.01a< 0.01a
TG (mg/dL)133.39 ± 67.77123.65 ± 71.31118.24 ± 65.140.1120.3580.017a
Serum glucose (mg/dL)98.33 ± 15.8794.52 ± 13.0795.76 ± 13.46< 0.01a0.133< 0.01a
Chol Tot/HDL4.50 ± 1.274.23 ± 1.073.95 ± 1.150.013a0.010a< 0.01a
LDL/HDL2.89 ± 0.952.67 ± 0.932.56 ± 0.840.028a0.015a< 0.01a
TG/HDL2.87 ± 1.762.66 ± 1.892.39 ± 1.660.1520.037a< 0.01a
AIP0.03 ± 0.25-0.01 ± 0.23-0.06 ± 0.250.0970.089< 0.01a
HOMA- IR (mU/L)3.25 ± 1.962.96 ± 1.732.94 ± 1.67< 0.01a0.841< 0.01a
QUICKI0.33 ± 0.040.34 ± 0.040.34 ± 0.03< 0.01a0.330< 0.017a
PLR115.37 ± 46.60109.89 ± 51.77113.65 ± 43.770.1950.2810.816
NLR1.98 ± 1.121.88 ± 1.101.79 ± 0.890.2870.5090.185
FLI61.55 ± 26.7650.54 ± 29.3748.83 ± 31.01< 0.01a0.286< 0.01a
Kotronen index (%)6.05 ± 5.024.10 ± 2.223.92 ± 2.40< 0.01a0.277< 0.01a
VAI1.85 ± 1.171.55 ± 0.711.32 ± 0.650.0110.010< 0.01a
NAFLD Liver Fat Score0.12 ± 1.63-0.02 ± 1.42-0.70 ± 1.200.418< 0.01a< 0.01a
LAP (male)48.41 ± 28.1437.01 ± 19.9533.18 ± 17.49< 0.01a0.166< 0.01a
LAP (female)84.15 ± 63.0678.92 ± 70.5174.13 ± 58.890.2900.452< 0.01a
BARD1.09 ± 1.261.46 ± 1.171.37 ± 1.040.011a0.4860.091
NAFLD-2.29 ± 0.93-2.13 ± 1.01-2.28 ± 1.000.015a0.032a0.986
Table 4 Correlation between steatosis grade and anthropometric, clinical and metabolic parameters considered in this study at baseline and at end-treatment
ParameterGrade 0 (n = 9)Grade I (n = 15)Grade 2 (n = 18)Grade 3 (n = 4)P value
mean ± STDmean ± STDmean ± STDmean ± STD
BMI (kg/m2)BL-30.19 ± 2.1528.05 ± 6.4730.11 ± 6.140.499
6M23.39 ± 3.5225.94 ± 5.6031.36 ± 6.5325.77 ± 1.140.013a
Waist circumference (cm)BL-103.00 ± 1.7396.05 ± 12.94105.15 ± 13.910.122
6M86.44 ± 11.9890.73 ± 9.24106.03 ± 12.6494.88 ± 9.37< 0.01a
Hip-to-waist ratio (-)BL-0.94 ± 0.050.91 ± 0.080.98 ± 0.070.020a
6M0.88 ± 0.060.91 ± 0.060.97 ± 0.080.93 ± 0.09< 0.01a
Tot Chol (mg/dL)BL-260.67 ± 27.21210.95 ± 31.20212.96 ± 46.240.266
6M215.89 ± 39.78196.27 ± 62.92212.06 ± 34.35154.75 ± 44.900.078
HDL (mg/dL)BL-47.00 ± 3.4652.05 ± 13.3948.21 ± 8.390.532
6M142.16 ± 33.53130.60 ± 22.94131.33 ± 35.2796.25 ± 38.880.070
LDL (mg/dL)BL-186.67 ± 37.63133.52 ± 19.00134.88 ± 37.050.119
6M54.33 ± 12.9753.73 ± 14.0853.56 ± 10.7445.75 ± 1.890.399
TG (mg/dL)BL-134.00 ± 43.28125.21 ± 42.18139.79 ± 85.630.597
6M100.22 ± 31.69119.20 ± 40.40138.22 ± 88.5165.25 ± 42.940.807
ASTBL-0.72 ± 0.280.87 ± 0.330.95 ± 0.670.435
6M0.55 ± 0.150.63 ± 0.190.67 ± 0.370.53 ± 0.170.641
ALTBL-0.91 ± 0.201.32 ± 0.681.35 ± 0.640.419
6M0.56 ± 0.140.79 ± 0.370.82 ± 0.500.67 ± 0.230.334
AST/ALTBL-0.76 ± 0.150.71 ± 0.190.66 ± 0.200.276
6M0.95 ± 0.150.76 ± 0.220.73 ± 0.260.78 ± 0.110.058
GGTBL-58.67 ± 64.5351.89 ± 54.6942.21 ± 25.600.392
6M17.00 ± 4.1243.53 ± 25.6744.39 ± 0.1027.25 ± 0.500.147
Blood gluc. (mg/dL)BL-96.67 ± 9.2994.16 ± 15.71101.83 ± 16.260.181
6M88.00 ± 1.9491.27 ± 7.33104.33 ± 17.0391.50 ± 8.190.018a
SM (n)BL-2.67 ± 1.151.32 ± 1.002.17 ± 1.430.350
6M1.44 ± 1.131.73 ± 1.282.28 ± 1.491.25 ± 0.500.415
Tot-Chol/HDLBL-5.60 ± 1.034.29 ± 1.274.53 ± 1.260.637
6M4.07 ± 0.843.84 ± 1.554.09 ± 0.943.41 ± 1.090.479
LDL/HDLBL-4.03 ± 1.142.72 ± 0.822.88 ± 0.960.355
6M2.70 ± 0.822.60 ± 0.902.54 ± 0.822.12 ± 0.910.333
TG/HDLBL-2.83 ± 0.782.63 ± 1.363.07 ± 2.110.516
6M1.92 ± 0.732.44 ± 1.252.79 ± 2.241.46 ± 1.020.698
AIPBL-0.44 ± 0.110.37 ± 0.210.39 ± 0.290.983
6M0.25 ± 0.190.34 ± 0.210.35 ± 0.270.08 ± 0.310.780
HOMA-IR (mU/L)BL-2.77 ± 0.222.37 ± 1.374.01 ± 2.180.015a
6M1.50 ± 0.842.47 ± 1.064.12 ± 1.712.67 ± 1.51< 0.01a
QUICKIBL-0.33 ± 0.000.35 ± 0.040.32 ± 0.030.082
6M0.37 ± 0.050.34 ± 0.020.32 ± 0.020.34 ± 0.03< 0.01a
PLRBL-120.89 ± 28.83107.31 ± 32.51121.06 ± 57.080.467
6M93.44 ± 22.18106.95 ± 48.08127.33 ± 47.95122.70 ± 30.460.058
NLRBL-1.36 ± 0.371.79 ± 0.802.21 ± 1.340.112
6M1.32 ± 0.211.67 ± 1.082.21 ± 0.851.44 ± 0.500.097
FLIBL-98.97 ± 0.3098.84 ± 0.3998.70 ± 0.750.612
6M98.48 ± 0.7298.79 ± 0.4098.75 ± 0.6797.08 ± 1.820.143
Kotronen index (%)BL-4.63 ± 2.144.3 ± 2.07.6 ± 6.40.047a
6M2.15 ± 0.833.5 ± 1.05.3 ± 3.23.1 ± 0.60.017a
VAIBL-3.5 ± 1.81.9 ± 1.01.6 ± 1.10.041a
6M1.44 ± 0.641.38 ± 0.651.29 ± 0.670.9 ± 0.670.224
NAFLD fat liver scoreBL--0.42 ± 0.9-0.6 ± 1.10.7 ± 1.80.016a
6M1.88 ± 0.71-0.84 ± 0.780.07 ± 1.27-0.99 ± 0.63< 0.01a
LAP (male)BL-52.00 ± 0.0044.27 ± 19.9850.51 ± 32.820.694
6M25.67 ± 11.3831.11 ± 14.6242.38 ± 19.1326.11 ± 22.320.386
LAP (female)BL-72.10 ± 32.5656.13 ± 31.50130.21 ± 83.110.377
6M24.42 ± 16.2552.21 ± 23.70109.22 ± 67.63-0.147
BARDBL-2.33 ± 1.150.79 ± 1.081.17 ± 1.340.733
6M1.89 ± 0.331.07 ± 1.031.56 ± 1.150.50 ± 1.000.192
NAFLDBL--3.41 ± 0.48-2.25 ± 0.73-2.17 ± 1,020.112
6M-2.44 ± 0.93-2.68 ± 0.87-1.88 ± 1.07-2.27 ± 0.910.144
MedDiet ScoreBL-30.0 ± 3.029.6 ± 4.627.2 ± 3.10.044a
Table 5 Correlation between BMI and anthropometric, clinical and metabolic parameters considered in this study at baseline and at end-treatment
ParameterP valueParameterP value
Steatosis gradeBL0.499TG/HDLBL0.370
Waist circumf. (cm)BL< 0.01aAIPBL0.194
6M< 0.01a6M0.307
Hip-to-waist ratio (-)BL0.231HOMA-IR (mU/L)BL< 0.01a
6M0.020a6M< 0.01a
Tot Chol (mg/dL)BL0.257QUICKIBL< 0.01a
6M< 0.01a6M< 0.01a
HDL (mg/dL)BL0.255PLRBL0.213
6M< 0.01a6M0.645
LDL (mg/dL)BL0.211NLRBL0.066
TG (mg/dL)BL0.352FLIBL< 0.01a
ASTBL0.244Kotronen index (%)BL0.038a
6M0.0936M< 0.01a
AST/ALTBL0.195NAFLD fat liver scoreBL< 0.01a
6M0.1146M< 0.01a
GGTBL0.075LAP (male)BL< 0.01a
6M0.1766M< 0.01a
MS (n)BL0.025aLAP (female)BL0.075
Blood gluc. (mg/dL)BL0.182BARDBL< 0.01a
LDL/HDLBL0.185MedDiet ScoreBL0.049a