Clinical Trials Study
Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 14, 2014; 20(22): 6989-6994
Published online Jun 14, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i22.6989
Table 1 Patient characteristics and results
VariableEVB+ (n = 51)EVB- (n = 365)P value
Age (yr)67.5 ± 13.462.3 ± 11.80.0085
Sex (male/female)27/24201/1640.7749
Etiology of liver disease
Hepatitis B virus362550.9157
Primary biliary cirrhosis or primary sclerosing cholangitis020.5962
Alcohol-related liver disease140.5955
Schistosomiasis-associated liver disease141040.8771
MELD score26.5 ± 9.818.9 ± 10.30.0000
ΔMELD score1.89 ± 1.230.66 ± 0.470.0001
US parameters
PV diameter (cm)1.37 ± 0.251.31 ± 0.180.0979
PV velocity (cm/s)16.9 ± 10.119.9 ± 8.40.0428
PV flow (mL/min)809 ± 396776 ± 4120.5907
SV diameter (cm)1.23 ± 0.451.01 ± 0.230.0006
SV velocity (cm/s)27.1 ± 11.329.1 ± 12.00.2623
SV flow (mL/min)1124 ± 412896 ± 3310.0002
LGV diameter (cm)0.73 ± 0.330.61 ± 0.210.0115
LGV velocity (hepatopetal) (cm/s)-21.1 ± 8.114.1 ± 6.90.0002
LGVBFD (hepatofugal)49730.0000
Spleen longitudinal diameter (cm)20.7 ± 4.118.6 ± 3.60.3356
Table 2 Multivariate logistic regression analysis
VariableCoefficientSEWaldP valueOR (95%CI)
ΔMELD1.6670.7814.7190.0236.195 (1.193-22.624)
LGVV2.0960.65813.1160.0017.129 (2.725-24.256)
LGVBFD-3.2451.2717.0010.00623.306 (2.376-337.186)