Liver Cancer
Copyright ©2007 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 7, 2007; 13(37): 4986-4995
Published online Oct 7, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i37.4986
Figure 1
Figure 1 NGF distribution in tissues from healthy donors. B, C, D, F, G: Confocal microscopy images of immuno-stained sections; in negative hepatocytes, endothelial cells, biliary epithelial cells and Kupffer cells the immunoreaction is the same as the background obtained in control performed by substitution of primary antisera with non-immune rabbit serum; positive immunoreaction (red hue) is only observed on lymphocytes in blood vessels. Green hue represents the auto-fluorescence used to visualize liver tissue morphology; A, E, H: Images of H&E stained sections close to that used for immunohistochemistry. Differently coloured arrows indicate the different cell types (see legend). bec: biliary epithelial cells; hep: hepatocytes.
Figure 2
Figure 2 NGF distribution in HCC tissue. E, F, G, I, J, K: Confocal microscopy images of immuno-stained sections showing NGF immunoreaction (red hue) in the cytoplasm (F) and on nuclei (I) of some hepatocytes, on endothelial cells, on lymphocytes and on Kupffer cells; no immunoreaction was observed in controls performed by substitution of primary antisera with non-immune rabbit serum. A: Images, at two different magnification, of H&E stained sections; B, C, D, H: Images of semithin sections from samples embedded in Spurr epoxy resin. Differently coloured arrows indicate the different cell types (see legend). n: nucleus; hep: hepatocyte; bvl: blood vessel lumen.
Figure 3
Figure 3 NGF and trkANGF distribution in cirrhotic tissues by confocal microscopy. A1: Liver specimens obtained before transplantation from patients with cirrhosis but without HCC (Child-Pugh C); A2: NGF distribution; A3: trkANGF distribution; B1: Specimens from patients with cirrhosis, also suffering from HCC, at early staging (Child-Pugh A); B2: NGF distribution; B3: trkANGF distribution. NGF or trkANGF immunoreaction (red hue) is particularly evident on biliary epithelial cells and on spindle-shaped cells, in cirrhotic tissue from patient at early staging (Child-Pugh A), but in presence of HCC, while no immunoreaction is observed in liver specimens resected before transplantation (Child-Pugh C) from patients without HCC. No immunoreaction is observed in controls performed by substitution of primary antisera with non-immune rabbit serum. bec: biliary epithelial cells; ssc: spindle-shaped cells.
Figure 4
Figure 4 NGF distribution in cirrhotic tissue from patient also suffering from HCC. B, C, D, G, H, I, M, J, K: Confocal microscopy images of immuno-stained sections showing NGF immunoreaction (red hue) in the cytoplasm of some hepatocytes, on biliary epithelial cells and on spindle-shaped cells; no immunoreaction is observed in controls performed by substitution of primary antisera with non-immune rabbit serum. J, K: Double staining on spindle-shaped cells using anti-NGF and antibody against the myofibroblast marker smooth muscle actin (SMA); A, L: Images of H&E staining; E, F: Images of semithin sections from samples embedded in Spurr epoxy resin. Differently coloured arrows indicate the different cell types (see legend). bec: biliary epithelial cells; n: nucleus; hep: hepatocyte; ssc: spindle-shaped cells.
Figure 5
Figure 5 NGF distribution in HCC tissue by immunogold labelling. A: Transmission electron micrographs of hepatocyte; B, C: Positive immunogold reaction on cytoplasmic vesicles; D: Positive immunogold reaction on nuclei; E: Positive immunogold reaction on endoplasmic reticulum. ER: endoplasmic reticulum. Scale bars = A: 2 μm; B-E: 100 nm.
Figure 6
Figure 6 NGF distribution in cirrhotic tissue from patient with HCC by immunogold labelling. A, B: Transmission electron micrographs of hepatocytes showing positive immunogold reaction on cytoplasmic vesicles (black arrows), free in the cytoplasm (double pointed arrows) and along endoplasmic reticulum (white arrows); C, C1, C2: Endothelial cells; positive immunogold reaction on cytoplasmic vesicles (black arrows) and free in the cytoplasm (double pointed arrows); D, D1: Spindle-shaped cells; E, D1: Biliary epithelial cells. In C1, C2, D1 and E1 details at higher magnification are shown. hep: hepatocytes; cf: collagen fibers; ER: endoplasmic reticulum. Scale bars = A, C, D, E: 2 μm; B, C1, C2, D1, E1: 100 nm.
Figure 7
Figure 7 TrkANGF distribution in HCC and cirrhotic tissues. A: HCC tissue; B: Cirrhotic tissue. A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B6: Confocal microscopy images of immuno-stained sections. No immunoreaction was observed in controls performed by substitution of primary antisera with non-immune rabbit serum; A4, B4, B5, B7: Images of HE stained sections; A3: Images of semithin section from samples embedded in Spurr epoxy resin. Differently coloured arrows indicate the different cell types (see legend). bec: biliary epithelial cells.
Figure 8
Figure 8 TrkANGF distribution in cirrhotic tissue from patient with HCC by immunogold labeling. A, A1: Transmission electron micrographs of biliary epithelial cells showing positive immunogold reaction on cell membrane and cytoplasmic vesicles (black arrows) near the ductal lumen; B: Transmission electron micrographs of endothelial cells and lymphocytes; B1: Immunoreactivity free in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells beneath the cell membrane (arrowheads); B2: Gold particles on cell membrane of a lymphocyte. In A1, B1 and B2 details at higher magnification are shown. bvl: blood vessel lumen; cf: collagen fibers. Scale bars = A, B: 2 μm; A1, B1, B2: 200 nm.
Figure 9
Figure 9 Bar diagram illustrating the circulating NGF levels, determined by test ELISA, in patients with documented cirrhosis/HCC. NGF amounts, reported with regard to the etiology, is calculated either as mean ± SD (all patients examined) or as mean values for Child-Pugh class A (score = 5-6), for Child-Pugh class B (score = 7-9) and for Child-Pugh class C (score = 10-15). As a control, mean ± SD of circulating NGF levels from some healthy individuals is also reported.