Case Report
Copyright ©2005 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 28, 2005; 11(12): 1886-1889
Published online Mar 28, 2005. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v11.i12.1886
Isolated varices over hepatic flexure colon indicating superior mesenteric venous thrombosis caused by uncinate pancreatic head cancer - a case report
Yu-Pin Ho, Chun-Jung Lin, Ming-Yao Su, Jeng-Hwei Tseng, Cheng-Tang Chiu, Pang-Chi Chen
Yu-Pin Ho, Chun-Jung Lin, Ming-Yao Su, Jeng-Hwei Tseng, Cheng-Tang Chiu, Pang-Chi Chen, Department of Gastroenterology, Radiology, Linkou Medical Center, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University, 5 Fushin Street, Kweishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan, China
Author contributions: All authors contributed equally to the work.
Correspondence to: Dr. Cheng-Tang Chiu, Department of Gastroenterology, Radiology, Linkou Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 5 Fushin Street, Kweishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan, China.
Telephone: +886-3-3281200-8107
Received: November 5, 2004
Revised: November 6, 2004
Accepted: December 8, 2004
Published online: March 28, 2005

Very rare cases of varices involving right side colon were reported. Most of them were due to cirrhotic portal hypertension or other primary causes. No report case contributed to pancreatic cancer. Here, we reported a case of uncinate pancreatic cancer with the initial finding of isolated hepatic flexure colon varices. Following studies confirmed isolated varices involving hepatic flexure colon due to pancreatic cancer with occlusion of superior mesenteric vein. From this report, superior mesenteric vein occlusion caused by uncinate pancreatic head cancer should be considered as a differential diagnosis of colon varices.

Keywords: Colon varices; Pancreatic cancer; Superior mesenteric vein occlusion