Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 28, 2018; 24(28): 3071-3089
Published online Jul 28, 2018. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v24.i28.3071
Table 1 Association of different diseases with the presence or absence of Helicobacter pylori
DiseaseAssociationReferenceType/model of studySample sizeStatistical analysisH. pylori detectionDiagnosis of the pathology
AsthmaNAHolster et al[53], 2012Cohort study545 childrensChi-square and t-tests. Univariate and multiple logistic regression analysesaSerum anti-H. pylori inmunoglobulin G, and CagA by ELISAPositive diagnosed asthma by a medical questionnaire
PositiveDen Hollander[54], 2016Cohort study3797 childrensChi-square test. Multivariate logistic regression analysis. Odd ratios 95% CIbinmunoglobulin G levels in serumPositive diagnosed asthma by a medical questionnaire
InverseChen and Blaser[10], 2007Cohort study7663 adultsUnconditional logistic regression models. Odd ratios 95%CIainmunoglobulin G levels in serumPositive diagnosed asthma by a medical questionnaire
Chen and Blaser[55], 2008Case-control study7412 individualsChi-square and t-testsbWampole ELISAPositive diagnosed asthma by a medical questionnaire
Sommer et al[57], 1998Ex vivo study. Isolated T cells from gastric biopsyBiopsies from 30 patientsNot mentionedHistological detectionEndoscopic examination
Bamford et al[56], 1998Ex vivo study. Isolated T cells from gastric biopsyn patients = 5, n control = 3t-testaRapid urease test (RUT) or histopathology-
Oertli et al[59], 2013In vivo study. C57BL/6 mice60 miceChi-square. Mann Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis testaCFU from homogenised tissues-
De la Pena-Ponce et al[60], 2017In vitro study. Airway epithelial cellsBetween n=3 to n=10One way ANOVAaCagA detection by western blot-
Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseInverseHiggins et al[61], 2011Meta-analysis and In vivo study. C57BL/6 miceBetween n=3 to n=9Odd ratios 95%CI. P-value < 0.1. One way ANOVA and t-testaNot mentioned-
Lord et al[62], 2018Cross-sectional study704 individualsOdd ratios 95%CIbNot mentionedNot mentioned
Castano-Rodriguez et al[63], 2017Meta analysis6130 patients and 74659 controlsChi-square, t-test, fixed effect model and odd ratios 95%CIbHistology, culture, rapid urease test, serology and/or urea breath test (UBT)Not mentioned but differentiated among Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, IBD, and unclassified
Celiac DiseaseInverseLebwohl et al[65], 2013Cross-sectional study136179 individualsOdd ratios and 95%CIbPolyclonal inmunochemical stainDuodenal and gastric biopsies
Narang et al[18], 2017Cross-sectional study324 childrensChi-square test or Fisher exact test, and odd ratio and 95%CIaGiemsa staining and rapid urease test (RUT)Serum levels of inmunoglobulin A-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (IgA-tTG> 18 U/mL = CD +). Further analysis by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for biopsies to confirm
Lucero et al[17], 2017Case-control study66 patients and 50 controlsChi-square test or Fisher exact test, and odd ratio and 95%CIbRapid urease test (RUT), histological evaluation and PCRDuodenal histopathology and inmunoglobulin A-tissue transglutaminase (IgA-tTG) serology
Multiple SclerosisInverseYao et al[67], 2016Meta analysis1553 patients and 1253 controlsChi-square test, odd ratio and 95%CIbELISA, immunofluorescence and latex agglutination testsNot mentioned
Jaruvongvanich.[68], 2016Meta analysis1902 individualsChi-square test, odd ratios, multivariant models and random-effect modelsaUrea breath test (UBT), rapid urease test, PCR and ELISADiagnosed by neurologist using the McDonald criteria (based on clinical presentations, finding on magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid profile)
PositiveEfthymiou et al[16], 2016Cohort study129 patients, 49 controlsTwo-tailed t-testaSerum anti-H. pylori, anti-VacA, anti-CagA, anti-Hsp60 ELISANot mentioned, but relapsing remitting MS (RRMS) and secondary progressive MS (SPMS) are differentiated
Ischemic Heart DiseasesPositiveLiu et al[4], 2015Meta analysis5829 patients and ~16000 controlsFixed and random effect models. Odd ratios and 95%CI. P-value = 0.06Not mentionedMedical records
Shmuely et al[3], 2014Cohort study173 patients and 127 controlsMultivariate analysis. Odd ratios 95%CI. t-test and ANOVAaSerum anti-H. pylori inmunoglobulin G, and CagA by ELISAMyocardial perfusion imaging in patients with angina symptoms, chest pain, suspected CAD, cardiac related symptoms or risk stratications in patients with known CAD
Huang et al[72], 2014Retrospective cohort study17332 patients and 69328 controlsChi-square and t-testsaNot mentionedIsquemic stroke
AnemiaPositiveXu et al[6], 2017Retrospective study17791 individuals 7804 Hp positiveChi-square and t-tests. Odd ratios 95%CIaSerum anti-H. pylori inmunoglobulin G and inmunoglobulin M ELISAUsing haemoglobin level
Flores et al[76], 2015In vitro study. AGS human gastric adenocarcinoma cell linen=7 experimentsOne way ANOVA or non-parametric t-testaCFU from homogenised cells-
Flores et al[75], 2017In vitro study. AGS human gastric adenocarcinoma cell linen=3 experimentsOne way ANOVA or non-parametric t-test aCFU from homogenised cells-
Kato et al[77], 2017In vitro study. Isolated H. pylori strains from patients and controls (whole genome sequencing)4 patients and 4 controlst-testaBiopsy directly inoculated in growth mediumMeasuring serum iron and ferritin
NAFLDPositiveChen et al[7], 2017Cohort study2263 individualsChi-square and t-testsa13C-labeled urea breath test (UBT)Using the NALFD criteria suggested by the Chinese Liver Disease Association and Clinical Diagnosis Standards
Huang et al[78], 2009In vivo study. C57BL/6 micen = 20Chi-square testaGram staining, PCR and urease/catalase reactionsHistopathology and inmunochemical analysis
Insulin resistancePositiveAydemir et al[82], 2005Cross-sectional Study63 patientst-testaGiemsa stainingHOMA-IR
Gunji et al[83], 2009Cross-sectional Study1107 participants (1008 IR- y 99 IR+)Chi-square and t testsaSerum anti-H. pylori inmunoglobulin G ELISAHOMA-IR
Chen et al[84], 2015Cohort study811 individualsChi-square or Fisher exact testaSerum anti-H. pylori inmunoglobulin G ELISAHOMA-IR
Polyzos et al[86], 2011Meta analysis2120 participantst-testaGastric mucosa histologic examination for H. pylori presence, gastric mucosa rapid urease test (CLO test), serum H. pylori-specific immunoglobulin G antibody concentration (ELISA), serum H. pylori-specific immunoglobulin G antibody concentration (chemiluminescence)HOMA-IR
Yildrim et al[89], 2016Cohort study41 patients and 27 controlst-testa13C-labeled urea breath test (UBT) and gastroscopyHOMA-IR
Upala et al[8], 2016Meta analysis27544 participantsChi-square. Odd ratio 95%CIaUrea breath test (UBT), rapid urease test (RUT), PCR and ELISAHOMA-IR
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusNAAnastasios et al[93], 2002Cross-sectional study67 patients and 105 controlsChi-square. P-value < 0.05Giemsa stainingPreviously diagnosed patients
PositiveLi et al[5], 2017Meta analysis57397 participantsFixed and random effect models. Odd ratios and 95%CIa13C or 14C urea breath test, stool antigen test, anti-H. pylori antibody, rapid urease test, histology or biopsy, cultureNot mentioned
Bener et al[91], 2007Case-control study210 patientst-testaSerum anti-H. pylori inmunoglobulin G and inmunoglobulin A ELISAUsing venous blood glucose values or currently taking diabetic medication
Devrajani et al[92], 2010Case-control study74 patients and 74 controlsChi-squareaStool H. pylori-antigen detection by Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)Fasting blood sugar (FBS) level, random blood sugar (RBS) level and hemoglobin A1c
Aslan et al[95], 2006Cross-sectional Study103 patientst-testaRapid urease test (RUT) and histopathologic examinationSerum glucose concentration and serum insulin levels
Nasif et al[96], 2016Cross-sectional Study100 patientst-test, Manne Whitney U-testaSerum anti-H. pylori IgG ELISAPostprandial glucose level, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and body mass index (BMI). Serum 8-OHdG and Ox-LDL
PeriodontitisPositiveSujatha et al[106], 2015Cohort study40 patientsFisher exact testaRapid urease test, histopathological examinationPeriodontal examination
Pei et al[192], 2015Cross-sectional study70 patients ans 70 controlsThe ratios were compared using × 2 test and × 2 statistics was adjusted. t-testaPCR for urease C geneProbing depth (PD), plaque index (PI) and bleeding index (BI)
Hu et al[107], 2016In vitro study. THP-1 cells28 samples from 14 patientsOne way ANOVAareal-time PCRProbing depth (PD), plaque index (PLI), bleeding index (BI), attachment loss (AL)