Basic Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 28, 2015; 21(28): 8569-8579
Published online Jul 28, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i28.8569
Figure 2
Figure 2 Double fluorescent immunoreactive cells in peripheral blood and lamina propria of patients with active ulcerative colitis. A: Hepatocyte-derived growth factor receptor (HGFR)+/CDX2+ cell in peripheral blood (white arrow indicates immunoreactive cell; magnification × 600); B: HGFR+/CDX2+ cells in lamina propria (white arrows indicate immunoreactive cells underneath the epithelium; white thin arrow indicates a crypt base with CDX2+ epithelial cell; magnification × 600); C: HGFR+/CD133+ cell in lamina propria (white arrow; magnification × 600); D: CD133+/CDX2+ cell in lamina propria (white arrow; magnification × 600); E: Musashi-1+/CDX2+ cell in the lamina propria (white arrow; magnification × 600). Red fluorescent labeling: Texas-Red; Green fluorescent labeling: FITC.