Colorectal Cancer
Copyright ©2008 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 14, 2008; 14(22): 3484-3489
Published online Jun 14, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.3484
Table 1 The main characteristics of studies selected for meta-analysis
Ref.1st author, year, countryAcromegaly patients
Control subjects
Type of the studyControl group composition
n (M/F)Mean age (range or SD yr)n (M/F)Mean age (range or SD, yr)
31Terzolo, 1994, Italy31 (11/20)52.2 (27-85)236 (127/109)50.1 (23-84)Hospital based control studyPatients with rectal bright-red bleeding from hemorrhoids
32Vasen, 1994, Germany and Holland49 (30/19)54 (30-75)57 (28/29)54 (34-72)Hospital based control studyPatients with irritable bowel syndrome
33Delhougne, 1995, Belgium and France103 (49/54)5 (12, SD)138 (55/83)53 (15, SD)Hospital based control studyPatients with irritable bowel syndrome
34Colao, 1997, Italy50 (25/25)20-70318 (Sex matched)1Age matched1Hospital based control studyPatients with irritable bowel syndrome
35Martino, 2004, Italy75 (33/42)54 (11, SD)75 (33/42)55 (10, SD)Hospital based control studyPatients with irritable bowel syndrome
36Bhansali, 2004, India60 (35/25)37.4 (13.2, SD)160 (88/72)38.2 (14, SD)Hospital based control studyPatients with irritable bowel syndrome
37Matano, 2005, Japan19 (11/8)46.7 (16.3, SD)76 (44/32)47.3 (16.5, SD)Hospital based control studyRandomly selected from subjects referred for colonoscopy
38Terzolo, 2005, Italy235 (115/120)49.1 (12.6, SD)233 (156/77)50.8 (12, SD)Hospital based control studyConsecutive patients with nonspecific abdominal symptoms
39Bogazzi, 2006, Italy79 (33/46)55.0 (11.1, SD)280 (166/114)50.9 (10.8, SD)Hospital based control studyConsecutive donors for kidney or liver transplantation