Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Hypertens. Mar 22, 2023; 11(1): 1-11
Published online Mar 22, 2023. doi: 10.5494/wjh.v11.i1.1
Table 1 Summary of studies which reported the major adipokine's role in hypertension patients
The main finding in the pathogenesis of hypertension
David et al[5], 2020ChemerinThe long-term remodeling of blood vessels in hypertension was the proliferative effect which might be influenced due to the chemerin
Gu et al[6], 2014ChemerinChemerin is strongly associated with markers of inflammation and components of the metabolic syndrome in hypertensive subjects and was independently associated with hypertension after adjustment for age, gender and metabolic risk factors
Gu et al[7], 2015ChemerinChemerin levels were independently associated with the index of arterial function and early atherosclerosis in essential hypertension
Wójcik et al[8], 2020ChemerinElevated chemerin levels may be associated with increased systolic blood pressure in obese children
Yamamoto et al[9], 2021Chemerin (CMKLR1)For the first time revealed that the increased protein expression of CMKLR1 in the paraventricular nucleus was at least partly responsible for systemic hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats SHR
Ferland et al[10], 2019ChemerinChemerin, not derived from the liver but potentially from adipose tissue, is an important driver of hypertension associated with high fat
Gunes et al[11], 2012VisfatinThe mean visfatin level was significantly higher in hypertensive patients
Wang et al[12], 2010VisfatinSerum visfatin levels in Lyon hypertensive rats were elevated and associated with lipid metabolic abnormalities
Liakos et al[13], 2015Visfatin, apelinThe lower apelin and higher visfatin plasma levels in high normal BP subjects compared to normal or optimal BP individuals could partially explain the higher CV risk of the high normal BP group
Yu et al[14], 2019VisfatinAssociation of hypertension and cerebrovascular accident with higher plasma visfatin levels
Kocelak et al[15], 2014Visfatin/NAMPTThe presence of hypertension was not associated with the plasma levels of visfatin/NAMPT in elderly subjects
Hsu et al[16], 2016VisfatinReported the association with subsequent renal function with increased circulating visfatin in nondiabetic hypertensive patients
Parimelazhagan et al[17], 2021VisfatinFound a positive correlation between visfatin and diastolic blood pressure as well as high-density lipoproteins
Rotkegel et al[18], 2013VisfatinIncreased plasma visfatin concentration may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of hypertension in patients with visceral obesity
Kraus et al[20], 2015RBP4Elevated levels RBP4 contribute to insulin resistance and were correlated with increased prevalence of hypertension and myocardial infarction
Li et al[21], 2019RBP4RBP4 levels were closely correlated with blood pressure levels and might be involved in the regulation of left ventricular diastolic function in patients with essential hypertension
Deng et al[27], 2014RBP4RBP4 levels were increased in naive hypertensive patients; however, no differences were observed in obese or non-obese hypertensive subjects
Solini et al[22], 2009RBP4Retinol-binding protein-4 levels were increased in naïve hypertensive women and correlated with the degree of carotid intima-media thickness suggesting the participation of this adipocytokine in the modulation of the atherosclerotic process exert by the adipose tissue as an endocrine organ
Zhang et al[28], 2017RBP4Serum RBP4 level was significantly higher and closely associated with BP in prehypertensive Chinese
Stuck et al[29], 2010RBP4Lowering serum RBP4 may be a novel therapeutic tool for hypertension with additive effects to current standard treatments that focus on the inhibition of the angiotensin system
Peng et al[30], 2017PAI-1Plasma PAI-1 may contribute to the development of hypertension through pathways beyond traditional risk factors
Srikumar et al[31], 2002PAI-1PAI-1 levels were correlated with plasma renin activity, aldosterone, and insulin resistance in hypertensive subjects
Kaikita et al[32], 2001PAI-1Direct inhibition of vascular PAI-1 activity may provide a new therapeutic strategy for the prevention of arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Ritter et al[34], 2017MCP-1The study suggests a possible downregulation in MCP-1 levels in hypertensive individuals with LVH, regardless of hypertension strata
Wang et al[35], 2015MCP-1Indicate that deletion of transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 TRPV1 aggravated the renal injury in salt-sensitive hypertension via enhancing MCP-1/CCR2 signaling-dependent inflammatory responses
Çelik et al[36], 2021Omentin-1Authors demonstrated that serum omentin-1 levels decreased in patients with hypertension as compared with normotensive controls, which could be attributed to a combined outcome of endothelial dysfunction, inflammation as well as renal injury in the setting of hypertension
Dong et al[37], 2021Omentin-1The down-regulation of omentin-1 induces endothelial dysfunction and hypertension in obesity. Tetrahydroxystilbene glycoside treatment (at least partially) increases omentin-1 via promoting the binding of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) and intelectin-1 (Itln-1) promoter in adipose tissues, subsequently exerts protective effects on endothelial function via activating Akt/eNOS/NO signaling and attenuating oxidative/nitrative stress
Cetin et al[38], 2022Omentin-1The study suggests that circulating omentin-1 levels were inversely related to the presence of MetS and may be a reliable marker to predict the development of MetS in patients with hypertension
Song et al[39], 2014Lipocalin-2Administration of lipocalin-2 causes abnormal vasodilator responses in mice on a high-fat diet. Polyamination facilitates the clearance of lipocalin-2, whereas the accumulation of deamidated lipocalin-2 in arteries causes vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and hypertension
Ong et al[40], 2011LCN2The author's findings suggest, for the first time, that genetic variants in LCN2 may affect BP
Chen et al[41], 2020LCN2The contributing role of LCN2 in liver fibrosis as well as portal hypertension in alcoholic hepatitis and might represent a new therapeutic target
Kameshima et al[42], 2015VaspinA study for the first time demonstrates that vaspin prevents the increase of SBP in SHR by inhibiting peripheral vascular hypertrophy, possibly via antioxidative and anti-inflammatory mechanisms
Fathey et al[43], 2022VaspinPlasma vaspin may be used as an independent predictive biomarker for the early detection of macrovascular and/or microvascular hypertensive complications
Kaur et al[45], 2020PGRNFindings of reduced PGRN/TNF ratio, and it was an independent predictor of SBP, ascertain the key role of imbalance in the pro-and anti-inflammatory environment in hypertension
Han et al[47], 2018CTRP1CTRP1 contributes to the regulation of BP homeostasis by preventing dehydration-induced hypotension
Su et al[48], 2019CTRP1CTRP1 levels were increased and associated with STOD (heart and kidney) in essential hypertension, which can be regarded as a novel biomarker in the prediction of prognosis for patients with essential hypertension
Seccia et al[49], 2010CTRP1CTRP-1 was expressed in myelolipomas together with adenomas that produce aldosterone raising the possibility that CTRP-1 may cause an excess of aldosterone and the growth of ZG cells
Osaki et al[50], 2014Nesfatin-1Nesfatin-1 may probably be a new key molecule involved in hypertension and can be used as an anti-obesity and anti-T2DM medication
Zhao et al[51], 2015Nesfatin-1Fasting plasma nesfatin-1 levels were significantly higher in hypertension patients than in the control group, especially in overweight/obese hypertension patients
Güneş et al[52], 2020Nesfatin-1Nesfatin-1 levels were higher and an independent predictor of hypertension in obese subjects
Lu et al[53], 2018Nesfatin-1Nesfatin-1 is a key modulator in hypertension and vascular remodeling by facilitating vascular smooth muscle cells phenotypic switching and proliferation