Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Immunol. Jan 24, 2022; 12(1): 1-8
Published online Jan 24, 2022. doi: 10.5411/wji.v12.i1.1
Table 1 Immunoglobulin super family co-stimulatory molecules
IgSF co-stimulatory molecules
Cells expressing the receptor
Cells expressing the ligand
CD28ActivationConstitutive in T cellsCD80, CD86CD80: Inducible in dendritic cells, monocytes, B and T cells. CD86: Constitutive in dendritic cells, monocytes, B and T cells
ICOS (CD278)ActivationInducible in T, B, and NK cellsICOSLConstitutive in macrophages, dendritic cells, B and T cells
CTLA-4 (CD152)InhibitionInducible in T cellsCD80, CD86CD80: Inducible in dendritic cells, monocytes, B and T cells. CD86: Constitutive in dendritic cells, monocytes, B and T cells
PD-1 (CD279)InhibitionInducible in T, and B cells, macrophagesPD-L1, PD-L2PD-L1: Constitutive in dendritic cells, B and T cells. PD-L2: Inducible in dendritic cells and monocytes
PD-1H (VISTA)InhibitionMonocytes, neutrophils, T cellsUnknownUnknown
BTLA (CD272)InhibitionB and T cellsHVEM, UL144Monocytes, B and T cells
B71 (CD80), B72 (CD86)Activation/InhibitionCD80: Inducible in dendritic cells, monocytes, B and T cells. CD86: Constitutive in dendritic cells, monocytes, B and T cellsCD28, CTLA-4CD28: Constitutive in T cells. CTLA-4: Inducible in T cells
B7H1 (CD274, PDL1)InhibitionConstitutive in dendritic cells, monocytes, B and T cellsPD-1, B71PD-1: Inducible in macrophages, B and T cells. CD80: Inducible in dendritic cells, monocytes, B and T cells
Table 2 Tumor necrosis factor receptor super family co-stimulatory molecules
TNFR SF co-stimulatory molecules
Cells expressing the receptor
Cells expressing the ligand
OX40 (CD134)ActivationActivated and regulatory T cellsOX40LT cells, macrophages, endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, dendritic cells, tumor cells
CD27 (TNFR SF7)ActivationT and B cells, NK cellsCD70NK, T and B cells
GITR (CD357)ActivationT cellsGITRLT cells
CD30 (TNFR SF8)ActivationT and B cellsCD30LT cells
HVEM (CD270)ActivationMonocytes, T and B cellsLIGHT, BTLA, CD160, LTα3, HSV1gDMonocytes and APCs
FAS (CD95)ActivationNK and T cellsFASLDendritic cells, NK, T cells, neutrophils
CD40 (TNFR SF5)ActivationAll B-cell lineages except plasma cells, macrophages, activated monocytes, follicular dendritic cells, interdigitating dendritic cells, endothelial cells, fibroblastsCD40LActivated CD4+ T cells, some CD8+ T cells, γδ T cells, basophils, platelets monocytes and mast cells
RANK (CD265)ActivationOsteoclast and dendritic cellsRANKLOsteoblasts, T cells
TACI (CD267)InhibitionB and plasma cellsBAFF, APRILStromal cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages
Table 3 Immunoglobulin super family co-stimulatory molecules studied in various diseases
CD86Rheumathoid arthritisIncreased expression in B cells[16]
ICOSLCombined immunodeficiencyMutation[17]
CTLA-4Mycosis fungoidesIncreased expression in T cells[18]
CD28TuberculosisDecreased expression in CD8+ and CD4+ T cells[19]
CD28Graves’ diseaseIncreased expression in T cells[20]
Table 4 Tumor necrosis factor superfamily co-stimulatory molecules studied in various diseases
CD27Lupus erythematosusIncreased expression in plasmablasts[21]
CD70Lupus erythematosusIncreased expression in plasmablasts[21]
CD40Hyper IgM SyndromeMutations[22]
CD30Vernal KeratoconjunctivitisIncreased expression in T cells[23]
CD267Common variable immunodeficiencyMutations[24]
Table 5 Co-stimulatory molecule manipulation in various diseases
Therapeutic target
Brain metastases melanomaPD-1 and CTLA-4Blockade with mAbs (nivolumab + ipilimumab)55% of treated patients reduced tumor size. 21% showed full response[27]
MelanomaPD-1Blockade with mAbs (pembrolizumab or nivolumab)19% of treated patient reduced tumor size[28]
MelanomaPD-1Blockade with mAbs (pembrolizumab)33% of treated patient reduce size tumor[29]
Rheumatoid arthritisCD80/CD86Blockade with soluble receptor (abatacept)Reduction in the disease index[30]
Psoriatic arthritisCD80/CD86Blockade with soluble receptor (abatacept)Musculoskeletal clinical improving[31]
Sjögren syndromeCD40Blockade with recombinant antibody (CFZ533 or iscalimab)Reduction in the disease index[32]
Kidney graftCD40Blockade with recombinant antibody (CFZ533 or iscalimab)Transplant success rate similar to tacrolimus treatment, but with a lower probability of adverse effects and infections[33]