Copyright ©2011 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Orthop. Dec 18, 2011; 2(12): 107-115
Published online Dec 18, 2011. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v2.i12.107
Table 1 Inflammatory back pain criteria sets and mnemonic for assessment of spondyloarthritis international society criteria[11-13,17]
Calin’s criteria for IBPBerlin criteria for IBPASAS IBP criteria mnemonic for criteria “iPAIN”
Age at onset < 40 yrMorning stiffness of > 30 min durationInsidious onset
Duration of back pain > 3 moImprovement in back pain with exercise but not with restPain at night (with improvement upon getting up)
Insidious onset
Morning stiffnessNocturnal awakening (second half of the night only)Age at onset < 40 yr
Improvement with exerciseAlternating buttock painImprovement with exercise
No improvement with rest
Requires the presence of four of five criteriaThe sensitivity is 70% specificity 81% if two of the four criteria are fulfilledThe sensitivity is 77.0% and specificity 91.7% if at least four out of five criteria are fulfilled
Table 2 Modified New York criteria for ankylosing spondylitis[16]
Low back pain for at least 3 mo duration improved by exercise and not relieved by rest
Limitation of lumbar spine motion in sagittal and frontal planes
Chest expansion decreased relative to normal values for age and sex
Unilateral sacroiliitis grade 3–4
Bilateral sacroiliitis grade 2–4
Definite ankylosing spondylitis if (4a or 4b) and any clinical criterion (1–3)
Table 3 Amor criteria for the classification of spondyloarthropathies[28]
Amor criteria
Clinical symptoms or history of scoringPoints
Lumbar or dorsal pain at night or morning stiffness of lumbar or dorsal pain1
Asymmetrical oligoarthritis2
Buttock pain1
If alternate buttock pain2
Sausage like toe or digit2
Heel pain or other well-defined enthesopathy2
Nongonococcal urethritis or cervicitis within 1 mo before the onset of arthritis1
Acute diarrhea within one month before the 1 mo onset of arthritis1
Psoriasis, balanitis, or inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease)2
Radiological findings
Sacroiliitis (bilateral grade 2 or unilateral grade 3)3
Genetic background
Presence of HLA-B27 and/or family history of ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, uveitis, psoriasis, or inflammatory bowel disease2
Response to treatment
Clear-cut improvement within 48 h after NSAIDs intake or rapid relapse of the pain after their discontinuation2
A patient is considered as suffering from a pondyloarthropathy if the sum is ≥ 6