Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Clin Oncol. Feb 24, 2020; 11(2): 53-73
Published online Feb 24, 2020. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v11.i2.53
Table 1 The World Health Organization, Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors version 1.0 and Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors version 1.1 criteria1
MethodSum of products of two longest diameters in perpendicular dimensions (bidimensional; surface area)Sum of longest diameters of target lesions (unidimensional)Sum of longest diameters of non-nodal target lesions and short axis of nodal target lesions (unidimensional)
No. of measured lesionAll lesionsTarget lesions: maximum 5 per organ, 10 in totalTarget lesions: Maximum 2 per organ, 5 in total
CRDisappearance of all known disease, confirmed at 4 wk2Disappearance of all known disease, confirmed at 4 wkDisappearance of all known disease, confirmed at 4 wk, lymph nodes must be < 10 mm short axis
PR≥ 50% decrease from baseline, confirmed at 4 wk≥ 30% decrease from baseline, confirmed at 4 wk≥ 30% decrease from baseline, confirmed at 4 wk
SDNeither PR nor PD criteria metNeither PR nor PD criteria metNeither PR nor PD criteria met
PD≥ 25% increase, no CR, PR, or SD, new lesion (s), ≥ 25% increase in 1 lesion≥ 20% increase over smallest sum observed, no CR, PR, or SD, new lesion(s)≥ 20% increase over smallest sum observed, no CR, PR, or SD, new lesion(s)3. The sum must also demonstrate an absolute increase of at least 5 mm
Table 2 Comparison of modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, European Association for the Study of the Liver and quantitative European Association for the Study of the Liver criteria for hepatocellular carcinoma[18,19,22-25]
mRECIST (1D criteria)EASL (2D criteria)qEASL (3D criteria)
CRDisappearance of any intratumoral enhancement in all target lesionsDisappearance of any intratumoral enhancement in all target lesionsDisappearance of any intratumoral enhancement in all target lesions
PRAt least 30% decrease in the sum of max. diameters of the enhanced tumor areaAt least 50% decrease in the product of max. diameter and its perpendicular of the enhanced tumor areaAt least 65% decrease in the enhanced tumor volume
SDNeither PR, nor PDNeither PR, nor PDNeither PR, nor PD
PDAt least 20% increase in the sum of diameters of the enhanced tumor areaAt least 25% increase in the product of max. diameter and its perpendicular of the enhanced tumor areaAt least 73% increase in the enhanced tumor volume
Table 3 Response evaluation in example 1 and example 2 of Figure 2
Example 1
t1 (B vs A)PRPR
t2 (C vs A)PRPR
Example 2
t1 (Y vs X)PRSD
t2 (Z vs X)PRPR
Table 4 Depth of response in Figure 2
TumorRECIST (longest diameter)WHO (surface)DpR
B4 cmPR (13.2 cm2)No
Y4 cmSD (16 cm2)No
Z4 cmPR (4 cm2)Yes
Table 5 Immune response criteria[63-66]
irRC (2D), 2009irRECIST (1D), 2013iRECIST (1D), 2017imRECIST (1D), 2018
Minimum number of target lesions10 lesions in total; 5 lesions per organ5 lesions in total; 2 lesions per organ5 lesions in total; 2 lesions per organ5 lesions in total; 2 lesions per organ
New lesionsIncluded in the sum of the measurementsIncluded in the sum of the measurementsiUPD; becomes iCPD if PD eventually confirmedIncluded in the sum of the measurements
CRDisappearance of all lesionsDisappearance of all lesionsDisappearance of all lesionsDisappearance of all lesions
PR≥ 50% decrease from baseline≥ 30% decrease from baseline≥ 30% decrease from baseline≥ 30% decrease from baseline
SDNeither CR nor PDNeither CR nor PDNeither CR nor PDNeither CR nor PD
PD≥ 25% increase in the nadir≥ 20% increase in the nadir (minimum 5 mm)≥ 20% increase in the nadir (minimum 5 mm)≥ 20% increase in the nadir (minimum 5 mm)
Confirmation of PDYesYes1Yes2Yes3
Table 6 Comparison of fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography response criteria[78,80,81,84]
CMRComplete Resolution of FDG uptake1Complete Resolution of FDG uptakeComplete Resolution of FDG uptake
PMR15-25% decrease of SUV after one cycle or > 25% decrease after more than one treatment cycle≥ 30% decrease in the target tumor SULpeak≥ 30% decrease in the target tumor SULpeak
SMDIncrease of SUV by < 25% or decrease of SUV by < 15%Neither CR, PR nor PDNeither CR, PR nor PD
PMDIncrease of SUV by > 25% or Increase of the longest diameter by 20% or new FDG avid lesion(s)≥ 30% increase in SULpeak or advent of new FDG avid lesions≥ 30% increase in SULpeak or advent of new FDG avid lesions (UPMD); Need to be confirmed by a second PET at 4-8 wk later (CPMD)
Table 7 The 5-point scale scores and Deauville criteria in Hodgkin Lymphoma[85-88]
ScorePET/CT scan resultAt iPETAt end-of-treatment
1No uptakeCMRCMR
2Uptake ≤ mediastinumCMRCMR
3Liver ≥ Uptake > mediastinumInadequate responseGood prognosis
4Uptake moderately higher than liverPMRTreatment failure
5Uptake markedly higher than liver and/or new lesionsPMRTreatment failure
XNew areas of uptake unlikely to be related to lymphoma
Table 8 Summary of current objective response assessment criteria
Response assessment criteriaYearImaging modalitiesAssessment typeAdvantagesDisadvantages
WHO1979 and 1981CTAnatomic, size-basedFirst objective measurements of images of all lesionsTime-consuming procedure; Interobserver variability
RECIST v1.02000CT, MRIAnatomic, size-basedEasier than WHO; Measurement of "Target" and "Non-target" lesions; Less measurement errorsOnly anatomic assessment
RECIST v1.12009CT, MRI, PETAnatomic, size-basedEasier than RECIST v1.0 Lymph nodes incorporatedOnly anatomic assessment
mRECIST2006CT, MRIAnatomic, size-basedSimpler than RECIST v1.1Only anatomic assessment, not prospectively validated
mRECIST for HCC2010CT, MRIAnatomic and functional; Based on contrast enhancementMeasurement of a viable tumor. Appropriate for loco-regional therapiesOnly for HCC
EASL and qEASL2000 and 2012CT, MRIAnatomic and functional; Based on contrast enhancementqEASL is better than RECIST to predict OS; Measurement of a viable tumorOnly for HCC
Choi criteria2007CTAnatomic and functional; Based on tumor densityValidated for GIST, more precise than RECIST; Measurement of a viable tumorOnly for GIST
Morphologic Response2009CTAnatomic and functional; Based on morphologic changesAppropriate for bevacizumab treatmentFor CRC liver met., not prospectively validated
irRC2009CT, MRIAnatomic, size-basedFor the treatment with immune-checkpoint inhibitors, capture of atypical response (pseudoprogression)The variability of interpretation
EORTC PET PERCIST 1.0 iPERCIST1999, 2009, 2019PETMetabolicDetection of early metabolic changesLimited resolution for tumors less than 0.4 cm. In NSCLC patients, retrospective
MDA criteria2004 and 2010CT, MRI, XR, SSAnatomicA comprehensive evaluation of bone metastasisOnly for bone metastasis
RANO2010MRIAnatomic and functional; Based on contrast enhancementCapture of pseudoprogression and pseudoresponseOnly for brain tumors
Table 9 Radiation dose in adults for some radiology procedures[125]
ProcedureApproximate effective radiation doseComparable to natural background radiation for
Chest X-ray0.1 mSv10 d
CT-Head2 mSv8 mo
CT-Thorax7 mSv2 yr
CT–Abdomen and Pelvis10 mSv3 yr
PET/CT25 mSv8 yr