Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Radiol. Feb 28, 2016; 8(2): 210-225
Published online Feb 28, 2016. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v8.i2.210
Table 1 Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging studies in internet addiction disorder
Ref.Design and aimsParticipantsDiagnostic criteria and evaluation scalesfMRI methodsfMRI results
Liu et al[18]Resting state fMRI studyn = 38, age range 18-25 yrIAD: Beard's DQIA "5 +Scanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects:
Aim: To analyze encephalicMedication free 100%1 criteria" plus any oneFMRI Scan duration:ReHo
functional characteristic ofRight-handed 100%of: ≥ 6 h/d for 3 mo9 minIAD > NC in: Cerebellum,
IAD under resting stateNormal neurological examination 100%Decline in academic performanceSoftware used: SPM2brainstem, R CG, bilateral PH, R FL, L SFG, L precuneus, R PoCG,
No comorbid psychiatric disordersUnable to maintain normal school learningReHo measured by means of KCCR MOG, R ITG, L STG, MTG
Groups: IGA n = 19Signal analyzed:
Mean age: 21.0 ± 1.3 yrBOLD
Males n = 11 (57.9%)Both whole brain and
NC n = 19 (50%)ROI based analysis
Mean age: 20.0 ± 1.8 yr
Males n = 11 (57.9%)
Dong et al[21]Resting state fMRI studyn = 29, age 24.2 ± 3.8 yrIGD: YIAT ≥ 80Scanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects:
Aim: To investigate theMales 100%> 80% of the online timeFMRI Scan duration:ReHo
effects of long-time onlineMedication free 100%was spent playing9 minIGA > NC in: Bilateral brainstem,
game playing on visual andRight-handed 100%videogamesSoftware used:bilateral IPL, L posterior
auditory brain regionsNo nicotine, cocaine or marijuana useBDI < 5; MINI: No Axis IDPARSF; ReHo measured bycerebellum, L MiFG; IGA < NC in: L STG, L ITG, L OL,
Groups: IGD n = 15; Age 24.2 ± 3.5 yrpsychiatric disordersmeans of KCC; Signal analyzed:L PL
NC n = 14; Age 24.6 ± 3.8 yrBOLD; Both whole brain and
ROI based analysis
Seed based connectivity analysis
1Dong et al[31]Resting-state and taskn = 71IGD: Young's IAT ≥ 50Scanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects:
related fMRIAge 22.35> 80% of the online timeRs fMRI ScanRsFc
Aim: To examine the Fc ofMales 100%was spent playingduration: 7 minIGD < NC in: Total ECN and L
ECN during both restingMedication free 100%videogamesSoftware used: REST,ECN
state and Stroop taskRight-handed 100%BDI < 5DPARSF, SPM8, FSL
performingNo DSM 5 psychiatric disordersMINI: No Axis I psychiatric disordersSignal analyzed: BOLD
Groups: IGD n = 35Whole brain analysis
Age 22.2 ± 3.8 yr
NC n = 36
Age 22.8 ± 2.4 yr
Kim et al[32]Resting state fMRI studyn = 45For all participants:Scanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects:
Aim: To compare the brainMales 100%WAIS III ≥ 80Rs fMRI ScanReHo
functioning of IGD, AUD,Medication free 100%For IGD: YIAT ≥ 70duration: 8 min(1) IGD vs NC
and NC during resting stateGroups: IGD n = 16> 4.5 h/d were spentSoftware used:IGD > NC in L PCC
Age 21.6 ± 5.9 yrplaying onlineDPARSF, SPM8,IGD < NC in R STG
AUD n = 14For AUD: SCID criteriaREST(2) IGD vs AUD
Age 28.6 ± 5.9 yrAUDIT-KReHo measured byIGD < NC in R STG
NC n = 15< 2 h/d were spentmeans of KCC(3) AUD vs NC
Age 25.4 ± 5.9 yronlineSignal analyzed:AUD > NC in R PCC, R insula, L
IGD were significantlyOther scalesBOLDMTG
younger than AUDadministered to allWhole brain analysisAUD < NC in R ACC
(P < 0.01)subjects:
BDI: IGD and AUD > NC (P < 0.01)
BAI: AUD > NC (P < 0.01)
BIS-11: IGD and AUD > NC (P < 0.01)
Zhang et al[34]Resting state fMRI studyn = 115IGD: CIAS ≥ 67Scanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects:
fMRI in young adults with Internet gaming disorderMales 100%; Medication free 100%Internet gaming > 14 h/wk for 1 yrRs fMRI Scan duration: 7 minRsFC; L anterior insula
using rsFCRight-handed 100%; Groups: IGD n = 74Playing as the principal online activitySoftware used: DPABI, REST, SPM8IGD > NC in R putamen, R angular gyrus, IFG
Aim: To study resting-stateage 22.3 ± 2 yr; n = 57 alcohol drinkersNC: CIAS < 60Signal analyzed: BOLDR anterior insula; IGD > NC in ACC, middle CG,
functional connectivity ofn = 8 cigarette smokersinternet gaming <Seed basedL angular gyrus, L precuneus,
the insula in IGDNC n = 41;2 h/wkconnectivity analysisBilateral SFG and STG
age 23.0 ± 2.1 yrOther scales: FTNDL posterior insula
n = 29 alcohol drinkersBDI: IGD > NCIGD > NC in bilateral PoCG, L
Cigarette use and frequency of alcohol use were higher in IGD with respect to NC (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01)(P < 0.001); BAI: IGD > NC (P < 0.01)precentral gyrus, R SMA, STG; R posterior insula; IGD > NC in bilateral STG
No comorbid psychiatric disorders
Table 2 Task related functional magnetic resonance imaging studies on internet addiction disorder
Ref.Design and aimsParticipantsDiagnostic criteria and evaluation scalesTask and behavioral resultsfMRI methodsfMRI results
Ko et al[17]Task related fMRI studyn = 20; Males 100%DCIA-CTask used: Cue-reactivity paradigm.Scanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects: IGD > NC in: R OFC, R basal ganglia (caudatum and accumbens), bilateral ACC, bilateral MFG, R DLPFC
Aim: To identify the neural substrates of IGD by means of a cue-reactivity paradigmMedication free 100%MINITask design: Videogame viewingfMRI scan duration: 4.8 min
Right-handed 100%CIASBehavioral results: Gaming craving: IGD > NCAcquisition method: Block design
Normal neurological examination 100%Software used: SPM2
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance useAUDITSignal analyzed: BOLD
Groups:FTNDWhole brain and ROI based analysis
IGD n = 10Gaming craving scale
Mean age: 22 ± 1.5 yrFor IGD: Addiction to World of Warcraft
NC n = 10Playing > 30 h/wk
Mean age: 22.7 ± 1.3 yr
Han et al[19]Six-week open label pharmacological study with task related fMRI acquisitionn = 19; Males 100%SCIDTask used: Cue-reactivity paradigm.Scanner: 1.5 TBetween group significant effects:
Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of bupropion SR in reducing game craving and influencing brain activity in IGDMedication free (at study enter) 100%BDI < 17Task design: Videogame viewingfMRI scan duration: 7.5 minAt baseline:
Normal neurological examination 100%7 point Gaming Craving VASBehavioral results: Gaming craving: IGD > NCAcquisition method: Block design(1) IGD > NC in: L occipital lobe, cuneus, L DLPFC, L PH
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersFor IGD: YIAT > 50Bupropion effects in the IGD group: Significant decreases of: Craving (23.6%, P = 0.04)Software used: Brain voyagerAfter 6 wk of Bupropion treatment on IGD:
Groups: IGD n = 11Playing > 4 h/d and 30 h/wkPlaying game time (35.4%, P = 0.01)Signal analyzed: BOLD(2) Significant decreased activation in L DLPFC
Mean age: 21.5 ± 5.6 yrAddiction to star craftYIAT scores (15.4%, P = 0.01)Acquisition time:
Study treatment: Bupropion SR for 6 wk(1) At study enter (baseline);
NC n = 8(2) After 6 wk of Bupropion treatment
Mean age: 20.3 ± 4.1 yrWhole brain analysis
Dong et al[20]Task related fMRI studyn = 27; Males 100%MINITask used: Guessing taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects:
Aim: To investigate reward and punishment processing in IGD during a guessing taskMedication free 100%For IGD: YIAT > 80Task design: Two-choices gain or loss guessing taskfMRI scan duration: 16.3 minIn WIN condition: IGD > NC in L OFC (BA 11)
Right-handed 100%C-IAT criteriaBehavioral results: No between group significant differences in accuracy and reaction timesAcquisition method: Block designIn LOSS condition: NC > IGD in ACC
Normal neurological examination 100%Spending most of their time playing online Internet gamesSoftware used: SPM5
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersFor NC: YIAT < 20Signal analyzed: BOLD
Groups: IGD n = 14Whole brain analysis
Mean age: 23.4 ± 3.3 yr
NC n = 13
Mean age: 24.1 ± 3.2 yr
Dong et al[22]Task related fMRI studyn = 24; Males 100%For all participants: BDI < 13Task used: Cognitive control taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects:
Aim: To identify the neural correlates of response inhibition in individuals with and without IGDMedication free 100%For IGD: YIAT > 80Task design: Three-choices color-word Stroop taskfMRI scan duration: 12 minDuring Stroop effect: IGD > HC in: ACC, PCC, L insula, MiFG, MFG, L thalamus, R IFG, R SFG
Right-handed 100%C-IAT criteriaBehavioral results: No between group significant differencesAcquisition method: Event-related design
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersSpending most of their time playing online Internet gamesSoftware used: SPM5
Non smokers 100%YIAT < 20Signal analyzed: BOLD
Groups: IGD n = 12Whole brain analysis
Mean age: 23.6 ± 3.5 yr
NC n = 12
Mean age: 24.2 ± 3.1 yr
Lorenz et al[23]Task related fMRI studyn = 17; Males 100%World of warcraft addiction inventoryTask used: Attentional bias/cue reactivity taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To assess neural correlates of attentional bias and cue reactivity in IGDGroups: IGD n = 8CSVKTask design: Two-choice dot probe paradigm during SP and LP trialsfMRI scan duration: 30 minDuring SP trials
Mean age: 25 ± 7.4 yrVocabulary test (WST-IQ)Stimulus class:Acquisition method: Block designIGD > NC in bilateral ACC, R MPFC, L OFC, L PH, MTG, precuneus, cerebellum, R amygdala
NC n = 9Test of attention(1) IAPS based emotional images (neutral and positive valences)Software used: SPM8bDuring LP trials IGD > NC in: R IFG, R Hippocampus, bilateral lingual gyrus and R calcarine gyrus
Mean age: 24.8 ± 6.9 yrSocial interaction anxiety scale(2) Computer generated stimuli (neutral images and World of Warcraft based images)Signal analyzed: BOLDPPI results: IGD > NC in connectivity between R IFG and:
STAIBehavioral results:Whole brain analysisIFG, orbital gyrus, MFG, MTG, MOG, STG, ITG, Angular gyrus, precuneus, basal ganglia
BDIIn SP trials: IGD: RT congruent < RT incongruentConnectivity analysis: Post hoc PPI, using R IFG as seed region
BIS 11
Iowa Gambling test
For IGD: ≥ 3 Grüsser and Thalemann’s criteria for computer game addiction
Dong et al[24]Task related fMRI studyn = 30; Males 100%MINITask used: Cognitive control taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To investigate error-monitoring ability in IGDMedication free 100%For IGDTask design: Three-choices color-word Stroop taskfMRI scan duration: 12 minDuring correct responses:
Right-handed 100%YIAT > 80Focus: Error monitoringAcquisition method: Event-related designIGD < NC in OFC and ACC
Non smokers 100%Spending > 80% of their time online playing gamesBehavioral results: No significant betweenSoftware used: SPM8During incorrect responses: IGD > NC in ACC
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersFor NC: YIAT < 30group effectsSignal analyzed: BOLD
Groups: IGD n = 15Whole brain analysis
Mean age: 23.8 ± 3.7 yr
NC n = 15
Mean age: 24.1 ± 3.3 yr
Dong et al[25]Task related fMRI studyn = 31; Males 100%MINITask used: Guessing taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To investigate brain correlates of decision-making in IADMedication free 100%BDI < 5Task design: Two-choices gain or loss guessing taskfMRI scan duration: 21 minIn WIN condition: IAD > NC in: ACC, insula and IFG
Right-handed 100%For IAD: YIAT > 80Behavioral results:Acquisition method: Block designIAD < NC in: PCC and caudatum
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersFor NC: YIAT < 30In LOSS condition: RTSoftware used: SPM5In LOSS condition: IAD > NC in: Inferior CG
Groups: IAD n = 16IAD > NCSignal analyzed: BOLDIAD < NC in: PCC
Mean age 21.4 ± 3.1 yrWhole brain analysis
NC n = 15
Mean age: 22.1 ± 3.6 yr
Dong et al[26]Task related fMRI studyn = 31; Males 100%MINITask used: Guessing taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To investigate reward/punishment sensitivities in IGD during a guessing taskMedication free 100%BDI < 5Task design: Two-choices gain or loss guessing taskfMRI scan duration: 21 minIn WIN condition: IGD > NC in L SFG
Right-handed 100%For IGD: YIAT > 80No behavioral response was requiredAcquisition method: Block designIn LOSS condition: IGD > NC in L SFG
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersSpending > 80% of their time online playing gamesPost scanning self-report questionnaireSoftware used: SPM5IGD < NC in bilateral PCC
Groups: IGD n = 16For NC: YIAT < 30(1) On subjective experiencesSignal analyzed: BOLDIn WIN-LOSS contrast condition
Mean age 21.4 ± 3.1 yrDuring LOSS condition:Whole brain analysisIGD > NC in L SFG
NC n = 15IGD < NC in reporting negative emotions
Mean age: 22.1 ± 3.6 yr(2) On craving for win:
IGD > NC in both WIN and LOSS conditions
Dong et al[27]Task related fMRI studyn = 30; Males 100%MINITask used: Cognitive control taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To explore cognitive flexibility in IGD during a color-word Stroop taskMedication free 100%BDI < 5Task design: Three-choices color-word Stroop taskfMRI scan duration: 16 minTask switching
Right-handed 100%For IGD: YIAT > 80Focus: Cognitive flexibility during task switching (from easy to difficult condition and viceversa)Acquisition method: Event-related design(1) From difficult to easy condition
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersSpending > 80% of their time online playing gamesBehavioral results: No significant between group differencesSoftware used: SPM5IGD > NC in: Bilateral insula, R STG
Groups: IGD n = 15For NC: YIAT < 30Signal analyzed: BOLD(2) From easy to difficult condition: IGD > NC in: Bilateral precuneus, L STG, L angular gyrus
Mean age 21.2 ± 3.2 yrWhole brain analysis
NC n = 15
Mean age: 22.1 ± 3.6 yr
Ko et al[28]Task related fMRI studyn = 49; Males 100%MINITask used: Cognitive control taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To evaluate impulsivity and brain correlates of response inhibition and error processing in IGDMedication free 100%CIASTask design: Go/No-go TaskfMRI scan duration: 15.5 minDuring response inhibition
Right-handed 100%BIS-11Behavioral results: No significant between group differencesAcquisition method: event-related designIGD > NC in bilateral caudate and L OFG (BA 47)
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersDickman’s impulsivity scaleSoftware used: SPM5During error processing
Groups: IGD n = 26For IGD: Fulfilling DCIA criteriaSignal analyzed: BOLDIGD < NC in R insula
Mean age 24.6 ± 3.2Addiction to online gamingWhole brain and ROI based analysis
NC n = 23
Mean age: 24.4 ± 2.1 yr
Liu et al[29]Task related fMRI studyn = 22; Males 100%DCIA-CTask used: Cognitive control taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To investigate brain correlates of response inhibition under gaming cue distraction in IGDMedication free 100%MINITask design: Modified Go/no-go Task with gaming cue distractersfMRI scan duration: 8.5 minDuring no gaming distracting condition
Right-handed 100%CIASBehavioral results: During gaming distracting conditionAcquisition method: Block designIGD > NC in R SPL
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersFTND < 5Commission errors IGD > NCSoftware used: SPM5During gaming distracting condition
Groups: IGD n = 11Signal analyzed: BOLDNC > IGD in R DLPFC, R SPL and cerebellum
Mean age 23.4 ± 2.3 yrWhole brain and ROI based analysisROI based analysis results
NC n = 11In IGD
Mean age: 22.4 ± 1.7 yrR DLPFC and R SPL activations were positively associated to commission errors during gaming distracting condition
Chen et al[30]Task related fMRI studyn = 30; Males 100%MINITask used: Cognitive control taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To evaluate neural correlates of response inhibition among subjects with IGDMedication free 100%CIASTask design: Go/no-go TaskfMRI scan duration: 6 minDuring response inhibition
Right-handed 100%Behavioral results: No significant between group differencesAcquisition method: Block designNC > IGD in R SMA/pre-SMA
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersBIS-11Software used: SPM5
Groups: IGD n = 15For IGD: Fulfilling DCIA criteriaSignal analyzed: BOLD
Mean age 24.7 ± 3.1 yrAddiction to World of WarcraftROI based analysis
NC n = 15
Mean age: 24.5 ± 2.8 yr
1Dong et al[31]Resting-state and task related fMRIAll participants: n = 71 age 22.35IGD: YIAT ≥ 50Task used: Cognitive control taskScanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To examine the Fc of ECN during both resting state and Stroop task performingParticipants who performed the fMRI Stroop task: n = 35> 80% of the online time was spent playing videogamesTask design: Three-choices color-word Stroop taskfMRI scan duration: 15 minDuring incongruent trials: IGD > NC in bilateral SFG
Males 100%BDI < 5Behavioral results: No significant between group differencesAcquisition method: Event-related designIGD < NC in L
Medication free 100%MINI: No Axis I psychiatric disordersSoftware used: SPM8DLPFC, ACC and left OFC
Right-handed 100%IADSignal analyzed: BOLD
No DSM 5 psychiatric disordersWhole brain and ROI based analysis
Groups performing fMRI Stroop task:
IGD n = 16
NC n = 15
Liu et al[33]Task related fMRI studyn = 38; Males 58%HAM-ATask used: Cue-reactivity paradigm.Scanner: 3 TBetween group significant effects
Aim: To investigate brain function in IGD individuals during a cue-reactivity paradigmMedication free 100%BDITask design: Videogame viewingfMRI scan duration: 7.5 minIGD > NC in: R SPL, R precuneus, R insula, R CG, R STG, L brain stem
Right-handed 100%For IGD: Beard's DQIA "5 + 1 criteria" plus any one of: ≥ 6 h/d for 3 mo; Decline in academic performance; Unable to maintain normal school learningNo behavioral response was requiredAcquisition method: Block design
No comorbid psychiatric disorders or substance use disordersSoftware used: Brain Voyager
Groups: IGD n = 19Signal analyzed: BOLD
Males n = 11 (58%)Whole brain analysis
Mean age 21.4 ± 1.0 yr
NC n = 19
Mean age: 20.1 ± 1.1 yr
Males n = 11 (58%)