Topic Highlight
Copyright ©2010 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Radiol. Jan 28, 2010; 2(1): 15-31
Published online Jan 28, 2010. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v2.i1.15
Table 1 Rare renal tumors according to the current WHO classification[76]
EntityDignityClinical meaning
Renal cell tumors
RCC associated with neuroblastomaMalignantLong term survivors of childhood neuroblastoma
Nephroblastic tumors
NephroblastomaMalignantMalignant embryonal neoplasm; 1:8000 children, 98% < 10 yr; if treated excellent prognosis = Wilm’s tumor
Nephrogenic rests and nephroblastomatosisMalignant potentialNephrogenic rests in 1% of infant autopsies; possible transformation into nephroblastoma
Mesenchymal tumors in children
Ossifying renal tumor of infantsBenign12 cases reported, mostly in children < 18 mo
Clear cell sarcomaMalignantTypically bone metastasis, metastases can develop late
Rhabdoid tumorMalignantHighly invasive; 80% ≤ 2 yr; 2 yr survival rate < 20%
Congenital mesoblastic nephromaMalignantExcellent prognosis when completely excised; recurrence rate 5%; metastases in rare cases
Mesenchymal tumors in adults
LeiomyomaBenignArises typically from the renal capsule; incidental tumors < 10 mm, but sometimes large
HemangiomaBenignNo mitosis and nuclear pleomorphism
LymphangiomaBenignPresenting as a peripelvic or renal sinus mass. Some cases may develop secondary to inflammatory lower urinary tract diseases; cystic
Juxtaglomerular cell tumorBenignBenign rennin-secreting tumor → hypertension; about 70 tumors described; typically < 3 cm
Renomedullary interstitial cell tumorBenignCommon autopsy findings in adults; > 1 tumor in 50%; < 5 mm
Intrarenal SchwannomaBenignCommon benign tumor of peripheral and auditory nerves
Cystic nephromaBenignCystic; female >> male
Mixed epithelial and stromal tumorBenignComplex renal neoplasm; contains large cysts
Solitary fibrous tumorMalignant potentialFrequent painless hematuria; confused with RCC
Paraganglioma/phaeochromocytomaMalignant potential
Leimyosarcoma (incl. renal vein)MalignantThe most common renal sarcoma; 5-yr survival rate 35%; chemotherapy is ineffective
AngiosarcomaMalignantRare, aggressive; poor prognosis; strong male predominance, androgen factor possible; rapid metastases
Malignant fibrous histiocytomaMalignantPararenal and retroperitoneal extension
Synovial sarcomaMalignantCharacterized by a specific translocation: t (X; 18)(p11.2; q11); recurrence is commonly seen
Renal carcinoid tumorMalignantAssociation with horseshoe kidney; carcinoid syndrome < 10%; cystic, calcification
Neuroendocrine carcinomaMalignantPoorly differentiated epithelial NPL with neuroendocrine differentiation; poor prognosis; necrotic mass
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (Ewing sarcoma)MalignantInhomogeneous, often replacing the entire kidney; hemorrhage, necrosis
Plasmocytoma, Lymphoma and Leukemia
LymphomaMalignantTypically secondary renal lymphomas; primary renal lymphoma very rare
PlasmocytomaMalignantOccurs as a manifestation of a disseminated multiple myeloma
LeukemiaMalignantInterstitial infiltration of leukemic cells can be called extramedullary leukemia in the kidney
Germ cell tumors
ChoriocarcinomaMalignantDifficult to differentiate from high grade urothelial carcinomas; mostly metastases from testicular germ cell tumors
Table 2 Frequency of benign lesions in consecutive patients
AuthornBenignAngiomyolipomasOncocytomasMetanephric adenomasAtypical cystsOthersPopulation
Own data (unpublished)14315%3%1%1%1%8%9Ultrasound