Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Diabetes. Apr 15, 2014; 5(2): 165-175
Published online Apr 15, 2014. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v5.i2.165
Table 1 Clinical categorisation of hypertriglyceridaemia according to guidelines based on fasting triglyceride concentrations
Ref.YearpublishedTriglyceride categoriesTriglyceride concentration (mmol/L)
National institutes of Health[31]2001Normal1.7
Borderline high1.7-2.3
Very high> 5.6
Rydén et al[33]2011Desirable< 1.7
Very high5.5-25.0
Extremely high> 25.0
Berglund et al[34]2012Normal< 1.7
Moderately high2.3-11.2
Severely high11.2-22.4
Very severely high> 22.4
Hegele et al[37]2013Normal< 2.0
Severe> 10.0
Table 2 Clinical guide for the assessment and treatment of hypertriglyceridaemia in type 2 diabetes
1Obtain fasting lipid profile
2Classify LDL-cholesterol concentration (primary target of therapy)
< 2.60 mmol/L – optimal
2.60-3.39 mmol/L – above optimal
3.40-4.14 mmol/L – borderline high
4.15-4.90 mmol/L – high
> 4.90 mmol/L – very high
Establish therapy:
LDL-cholesterol > 2.60 mmol/L – initiate dietary and lifestyle modifications
LDL-cholesterol > 3.40 mmol/L – consider pharmacotherapy simultaneously with dietary and lifestyle modifications
3Identify presence of atherosclerotic disease
Clinical coronary heart disease
Symptomatic carotid artery disease
Peripheral artery disease
Glycaemic control
Dietary intake (e.g., Fructose, simple sugars, caloric intake)
Physical activity
Determine presence of other risk factors:
Family history of premature coronary heart disease (i.e,. in first- degree relative, male < 55 years, female < 65 years)
Low HDL-cholesterol, < 1.0 mmol/L
5Order of treatment considerations:
Improve glycaemia (dietary and lifestyle modifications)
Treat secondary risk factors
n-3 fatty acids/niacin
6Treat elevated triglyceride if triglyceride concentrations are > 2.30 mmol/L after LDL-cholesterol concentration target of < 2.60 mmol/L is reached Target non-HDL cholesterol (< 3.40 mmol/L) Triglyceride > 2.30 mmol/L – intensify LDL-lowering therapy or add fibrate Triglyceride > 5.60 mmol/L – very low-fat diet (< 15% of calories from fat), weight management, physical activity and add fibrate
Table 3 Recommended treatment targets for diabetic dyslipidaemia
NCEP ATP III[31]ADA[30]NVDPA[128]European Guidelines[33]
LDL-cholesterol (mmol/L)Very high risk< 1.8< 1.8< 2.0< 1.8
High risk< 2.6< 2.6< 2.0< 2.5
Triglycerides (mmol/L)< 1.7< 2.0< 1.7
HDL-cholesterol (mmol/L)Male> 1.0≥ 1.0> 1.0
Female> 1.3≥ 1.0> 1.2
Non-HDL cholesterol (mmol/L)Very high risk< 2.6< 2.6< 2.5< 2.6
High risk< 3.4< 3.4< 2.5< 3.3
ApoB (g/L)Very high risk< 0.8< 0.8
High risk< 0.9< 1.0