Viral Hepatitis
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2003.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 15, 2003; 9(4): 745-750
Published online Apr 15, 2003. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v9.i4.745
Table 1 Outcome of macroscopic laparoscopic exploration and histological analysis in 72 patients with chronic HCV infection
Histology (fibrosis stage score)Laparoscopy
Patients without signs of cirrhosis (n = 51)Patients with signs of cirrhosis (n = 21)
Fibrosis I303
Fibrosis II164
Fibrosis III56
Table 2 Demographic and clinical data of patients with and without laparoscopically diagnosed cirrhosis
Patients with signs of Cirrhosis (n = 21)Patients without signs of Cirrhosis (n = 51)
Age (years)56.36 ± 9.4241.7 ± 11.2< 0.02a
Duration of disease23.2 ± 8.310.4 ± 5.68< 0.02a
(years) (n = 44)
Sex ratio (m/f)10/1127/24ns
Table 3 Laboratory data of patients with and without laparoscopic macroscopic evidence of cirrhosis
Laboratory dataLaparoscopy
Patients with evidence of cirrhosis (n = 21)Patients without evidence of cirrhosis (n = 51)
AST (U/l)59.7 ± 54.229.3 ± 19.6< 0.02
ALT (U/l)82.5 ± 70.372.6 ± 47.2ns
γ-GT (U/l)72.6 ± 78.434.1 ± 38.2< 0.02
AP (U/l)129.8 ± 48.9137.5 ± 49.6ns
Bilirubin (mg/dl)1.1 ± 0.931.86 ± 6.23ns
CHE (U/l)5114 ± 13315910 ± 1001ns
Prothrombin index (%)93.8 ± 12.6102.2 ± 6.3< 0.02
γ-globuline fraction (%)19.9 ± 6.513.7 ± 2.9< 0.02
Platelet count (cell/µl)172940 ± 65068253230 ± 57096< 0.02
Table 4 Comparing laboratory data of patients with macro-scopic laparoscopic signs of cirrhosis
Laboratory dataHistological analysis
No cirrhosis (n = 13)Cirrhosis (n = 8)
AST (U/l)35.9 ± 24.987.7 ± 67.8< 0.02
ALT (U/l)64.9 ± 72.297.0 ± 66.34ns
γ-GT (U/l)51.64 ± 39.78103.0 ± 104.6< 0.02
AP (U/l)126.3 ± 54.6144.6 ± 39.6ns
Bilirubin (mg/dl)0.36 ± 0.51.4 ± 3.438ns
CHE (U/l)5129 ± 18614685 ± 1773ns
Prothrombin index (%)95.8 ± 10.690.7 ± 14.3ns
γ-globuline fraction (%)16.3 ± 3.219.6 ± 10.6ns
Platelet count (cells/µl)180700 ± 56240167000 ± 77110ns
Table 5 Comparisons in pretreatment parameters between patients with sustained response and patients with non-re-sponse to interferon treatment (n = 39)
Number (%)14 (35.9%)25 (64.1%)
Age (years)50.6 ± 13.947.2 ± 10.6ns
Genotype 1b (%)5 (35.7%)18 (72%)< 0.02a
Fibrosis staging score (%)
I7 (50.0%)9 (36.0%)
II3 (21.4%)8 (32.0%)
III3 (21.4%)3 (12.0%)
Cirrhosis1 (7.0%)5 (20.0%)ns
Laparoscopic evidence2 (14.2%)9 (36.0%)< 0.02a
of cirrhosis (%)