Clinical Research
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2003.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 15, 2003; 9(10): 2293-2299
Published online Oct 15, 2003. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v9.i10.2293
Table 1 Patient characteristics in study group (mean ± SE)
No of subjects100100
Female: Male ratio73:2770:30NS
Age (yr)48 ± 245 ± 2NS
BMI (Kg/m2)23.5 ± 0.422.9 ± 0.3NS
Coffee-drinkers No (%)
None43 (43%)24 (24%)0.03°
< 1 per day9 (9%)22 (22%)°
1-5 per day48 (48%)54 (54%)°
Smokers No (%)30 (30%)15 (15%)0.02°
Lower abdominal5.8 ± 0.10.04 ± 0.010.0001
pain (VAS, cm)
Abdominal bloating6.2 ± 0.10.1 ± 0.020.0001
(VAS, cm)
Table 2 Motility indices in study group (mean ± SE)
No of subjects100100
Gallbladder (volume)
Fasting (mL)21.4 ± 1.022.0 ± 0.9NS
Postprandial residual,mL (%)5.3 ± 0.65.7 ± 0.3NS
(23.4 ± 1.2)(25.7 ± 0.9)
T50 (min.)20.1 ± 0.921.4 ± 0.6NS
Stomach (antral area)
Fasting (cm2)3.1 ± 0.13.4 ± 0.1NS
Postprandial maximal (cm2)10.4 ± 0.211.8 ± 0.20.001
Postprandial minimal (%)6.1 ± 1.02.8 ± 0.50.02
T50 (min.)35.5 ± 1.026.1 ± 0.60.00001
Small bowel
Orocaecal transit time (min.)161.9 ± 5.596.6 ± 1.80.00001