Clinical Trials Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 7, 2020; 26(37): 5693-5704
Published online Oct 7, 2020. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v26.i37.5693
Table 1 Patients’ demographics and baseline characteristics
No. of patients40
Age (yr), mean (SD)67.2 (13.8)
Sex, n (%)
Male18 (45)
Female22 (55)
BMI (kg/m2)24.3 (5.1)
Presenting symtom(s), n (%)
Pain15 (37.5)
Weight loss23 (57.5)
Jaundice9 (22.5)
Anorexia16 (40)
Propofol sedation dose (mg)1, mean (SD)436 (201)
Examination prior to EUS
Abdominal ultrasound3 (7.5)
CT25 (62.5)
MRI9 (22.5)
PET/CT3 (7.5)
Table 2 Lesion characteristics
Location in pancreas, n (%)
Head27 (67.5)
Body8 (20)
Tail5 (12.5)
Size max (mm), mean (SD)31.5 (12.3)
Echogenicity on EUS, n (%)
Hypoechoic34 (85)
Isoechoic3 (7.5)
Non-homogeneous3 (7.5)
Final diagnosis, n (%)
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma23 (57.5)
Pancreatic metastases16 (15)
Chronic pancreatitis3 (7.5)
Serous cystic neoplasm/serous cystadenoma2 (5)
Pancreatic NET1 (2.5)
Lymphoma1 (2.5)
Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm1 (2.5)
Acinar cell carcinoma1 (2.5)
Mucinous cystic neoplasm1 (2.5)
Intrapancreatic accessory spleen1 (2.5)
Gold standard method, n (%)
Definite EUS-FNB21 (52.5)
Definite EUS-FNB + surgery5 (12.5)
Surgery8 (20)
Clinical follow up6 (15)
Table 3 Technical characteristics and outcomes of endoscopic ultrasound-fine needle biopsies
Needle passes/patient, n (%)2 (100)
Acquired histology, n (%)40 (100)
Immunhistochemistry, n (%)12 (30)
Histologic quality (Payne score), n (%)
Score 0 (needle pass 1/needle pass 2/overall)1 (2.5)/1 (2.5)/1 (2.5)
Score 1 (needle pass 1/needle pass 2/overall)2 (5)/3 (7.5)/1 (2.5)
Score 2 (needle pass 1/needle pass 2/overall)3 (7.5)/3 (7.5)/1 (2,5)
Score 3 (needle pass 1/needle pass 2/overall)34 (85)/33 (82.5)/37 (92.5)
Histologic quality, median (range)2.85 (0-3)
Acquired high quality histology1, n (%)
Needle pass 1/needle pass 2/overall34 (85)/33 (82.5)/37 (92.5)
Length of the biopsy cylinder (mm), mean (SD)
Needle pass 1/needle pass 2/overall1.56 (0.9)/1.5 (0.9)/1.54 (0.9)
Diameter of the biopsy cylinder (mm), mean (SD)
Needle pass 1/needle pass 2/overall0.41 (0.1)/0.38 (0.1)/0.39 (0.1)
Diagnostic accuracy85%2/89.2%3
Positive predictive value100%
Negative predictive value53%
Complications, n (%)1 (2.5)4