Case Control Study
Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 28, 2014; 20(32): 11313-11320
Published online Aug 28, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i32.11313
Table 1 Demographic data and folate concentrations of gastric cancer patients and controls
Case (n = 155)Control (n = 149)P value1
Age (yr)62.02 ± 1.1457.21 ± 0.86< 0.01
Gender n (%)
Male88 (56.8)90 (60.4)NS
Female67 (43.2)59 (39.6)
H. pylori infection n (%)
No83 (53.5)78 (52.3)NS
Yes72 (46.5)71 (47.7)
Folate (ng/mL)3.71 ± 0.308.00 ± 0.54< 0.01
Male3.12 ± 0.347.34 ± 0.74< 0.01
Female4.49 ± 0.549.01 ± 0.76< 0.01
Age ≥ 603.70 ± 0.429.87 ± 1.17< 0.01
Age < 603.72 ± 0.436.78 ± 0.43< 0.01
Table 2 Association between serum folate level and occurrence of gastric cancer n (%)
Odds ratio1
> 4.38 ng/mL4.38 ng/mL95%CIP value
All cases
Control (n = 149)119 (79.9)30 (20.1)1
Gastric cancer (n = 155)33 (21.3)122 (78.7)19.77 (10.54-37.06)< 0.001
Age < 60 (yr)
Control (n = 90)70 (77.8)20 (22.2)1
Gastric cancer (n = 59)10 (16.9)49 (83.1)17.39 (7.28-41.54)< 0.001
Age ≥ 60 (yr)
Control (n = 59)49 (83.1)10 (16.9)1
Gastric cancer (n = 96)23 (24.0)73 (76.0)21.67 (8.27-56.80)< 0.001
Control (n = 90)68 (75.6)22 (24.4)1
Gastric cancer (n = 88)14 (15.9)74 (84.1)17.95 (7.93-40.62)< 0.001
Control (n = 59)51 (86.4)8 (13.6)1
Gastric cancer (n = 67)19 (28.4)48 (71.6)20.95 (7.66-57.31)< 0.001
Table 3 Associations between serum folate levels and clinicopathological features of gastric cancer n (%)
Odds ratio1
> 2.61 ng/mL2.61 ng/mL95%CIP value2
Early (n = 28)14 (50.0)14 (50.0)1
Advanced (n = 127)54 (42.5)73 (57.5)1.38 (0.60-3.14)NS
Serosal invasion
Absent (n = 43)26 (60.5)17 (39.5)1
Present (n = 112)42 (37.5)70 (62.5)2.54 (1.23-5.23)< 0.05
Lymph node metastasis
Absent (n = 51)26 (51.0)25 (49.0)1
Present (n = 104)42 (40.4)62 (59.6)1.54 (0.78-3.02)NS
Venous invasion
Absent (n = 90)42 (46.7)48 (53.3)1
Present (n = 65)26 (40.0)39 (60.0)1.32 (0.69-2.52)NS
Lymphatic invasion
Absent (n = 74)40 (54.1)34 (45.9)1
Present (n = 81)28 (34.6)53 (65.4)2.23 (1.17-4.26)< 0.05
Liver metastasis(> 1.9 ng/mL)( ≤ 1.90 ng/mL)
Absent (n = 146)104 (71.2)42 (28.8)1
Present (n = 8)2 (25.0)6 (75.0)6.67 (1.28-34.91)<0.05
Table 4 Univariate analysis of mortality predictors in gastric cancer patients
Hazard ratio95%CIP value1
> 60 vs ≤ 601.270.97-1.67NS
Male vs female1.290.98-1.69NS
Advanced vs early7.783.96-15.26< 0.001
Depth of invasion
Serosal vs non-serosal invasion3.962.67-5.89< 0.001
Lymph node metastasis
Yes vs no2.471.78-3.43< 0.001
Lymphatic invasion
Yes vs no2.171.53-3.07< 0.001
Venous invasion
Yes vs no2.451.73-3.46< 0.001
Liver metastasis
Yes vs no6.014.04-8.93< 0.001
≤ 1.90 vs > 1.90 ng/mL1.841.04-3.270.036