Brief Article
Copyright copy;2010 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 21, 2010; 16(39): 4944-4951
Published online Oct 21, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i39.4944
Table 1 Patient characteristics and parameters during the acute care for pancreatitis, divided into mild and severe acute pancreatitis cases
ParameterMild acute pancreatitisSevere acute pancreatitisAll patientsDifference between groups (P)
Gender, male106160.79
Gallstone16 (62)4 (29)20 (50)0.096
Alcohol5 (19)5 (36)10 (25)0.278
Post ERCP03 (21)3 (8)0.037
Unknown5 (19)2 (14)7 (18)1.0
Other diseases13 (50)5 (36)18 (45)0.39
ASA class11.5 (1-2)1 (1-1.75)1 (1-2)0.14
APACHE II16 (5-7)7 (6-10)6 (5-7)0.012
Weight loss13 (50)11 (79)24 (60)0.079
Weight loss in kg15 (1.5-6)9 (7-10)6.4 ± 4.70.003
6 (3-9)
Pancreatic surgery04 (29)4 (10)0.004
Pancreatic pseudocysts07 (50)7 (18)< 0.001
Hospital stay in days17.5 (4-9)18 (16-24)10 (6-16)< 0.001
ICU stay08 (57)8 (20)< 0.001
Table 2 Patient characteristics and parameters at follow-up after mild and severe acute pancreatitis
ParameterMild acute pancreatitisSevere acute pancreatitisAll patientsDifference between groups (P)
Time to follow-up (mo)41 (35-50)47 (37-63)42 (36-53)0.14
Age (yr)61 (51-70)58 (45-67)61 (48-68)0.72
BMI (kg/m2)27 (25-32)29 (26-31)28 (26-31)0.82
ASA2 (1-2)1 (1-2)1.5 (1-2)0.68
Serum pancreas amylase (μkat/L)0.45 (0.37-0.53)0.27 (0.18-0.43)0.043 (0.27-0.52)0.007
P-ALAT (μkat/L)0.30 (0.23-0.47)0.39 (0.33-0.54)0.34 (0.29-0.50)0.035
Sick leave days14 (7-30)120 (70-165)30 (14-97)< 0.001
Time to activity (d)10.5 (0-21)90 (60-365)21 (2-60)< 0.001
Time to recovery (d)21 (14-60)270 (180-1)60 (14-365)0.005
Table 3 Endocrine parameters in patients classified as having diabetes according to the World Health Organization definition and patients not fulfilling the criteria
ParameterDiabetic patients (n = 9)Non-diabetic patients (n = 30)Difference between groups (P)
Fasting plasma glucose, 0 min16.9 (6.0-7.3)5.1 (4.6-5.5)< 0.001
Plasma glucose 120 min113 (12-14)6.8 (5.5-8.2)< 0.001
Plasma C-peptide 0 min21.7 (1.3-2)0.72 (0.6-1.0)< 0.001
Plasma C-peptide 120 min24.8 (4.1-5.9)2.9 (2.2-4.4)0.024
Serum insulin 0 min316 (13-17)6 (4-9)0.001
Serum insulin 120 min3103 (79-126)42 (28-60)0.001
HOMA-insulin resistance4.2 (3.7-5.4)1.3 (0.9-2.2)< 0.001
HBA1c5.3 (5.0- 5.6)4.6 (4.5-4.8)< 0.001