Colorectal Cancer
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2005.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 14, 2005; 11(30): 4685-4688
Published online Aug 14, 2005. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v11.i30.4685
Table 1 Epidemiologic results
1980s (%)1990s (%)P
Total number of CRCs34206781
Male2 053 (60.03)3780 (55.74)
Female1 367 (39.97)3001 (44.26)
Male/female ratio1.50:11.26:10.02
Mean age (yr)56.8359.66
Table 2 Distribution of CRC
Localization1980s (%)1990s (%)P
Rectum2 484 (72.6)4 539 (66.9)< 0.001
Colon936 (27.4)2 242 (33.1)< 0.001
Sigmoid337 (9.9)844 (12.4)< 0.001
Descending colon226 (6.6)366 (5.4)0.02
Total distal CRCs563 (16.5)1 210 (17.85)
Transverse colon87 (2.5)275 (4.1)< 0.001
Ascending colon286 (8.4)757 (11.2)< 0.001
Total proximal CRCs373 (10.9)1 032 (15.2)< 0.001
Total number of CRCs3 4206 781
Table 3 Dukes’ staging
Stage1980s (%)1990s (%)P
A306 (13.3)416 (11)0.01
B679 (29.5)1399 (37.1)< 0.001
C823 (35.8)1379 (36.6)
D492 (21.4)578 (15.3)< 0.001
Total2 3003772
Table 4 Pathologic classification
Pathologic classification1980s (%)1990s (%)P
Adenocarcinoma1251 (82.1)3838 (85.6)< 0.001
Mucinous adenocarcinoma231 (15.2)465 (10.4)< 0.001
Others42 (2.8)180 (4)