Case Report
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World J Gastroenterol. Jan 14, 2013; 19(2): 311-315
Published online Jan 14, 2013. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i2.311
A case of ascending colon variceal bleeding treated with venous coil embolization
Bong Suk Ko, Woo Tae Kim, Su Sun Chang, Eun Hye Kim, Seung Woo Lee, Won Seok Park, Yeon Soo Kim, Soon Woo Nam, Dong Soo Lee, Ji Chang Kim, Sang Bum Kang
Bong Suk Ko, Woo Tae Kim, Su Sun Chang, Eun Hye Kim, Seung Woo Lee, Won Seok Park, Yeon Soo Kim, Soon Woo Nam, Dong Soo Lee, Sang Bum Kang, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Daejeon St. Mary’s Hospital, Daejeon 301-723, South Korea
Ji Chang Kim, Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Daejeon St. Mary’s Hospital, Daejeon 301-723, South Korea
Author contributions: Ko BS wrote the paper; Kim WT, Chang SS, Kim EH, Lee SW, Park WS, Kim YS, Nam SW, and Lee DS collected the materials; Kim JC contributed radiologic interventions; and Kang SB designed the study.
Correspondence to: Sang Bum Kang, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Daejeon St. Mary’s Hospital, 64 Daeheungro, Jung-gu, Daejeon 301-723, South Korea.
Telephone: +82-42-2209823 Fax: +82-42-2219038
Received: August 14, 2012
Revised: November 8, 2012
Accepted: November 14, 2012
Published online: January 14, 2013

A 38-year-old female with a history of alcoholic liver cirrhosis visited our hospital with a massive hematochezia. An esophagogastroduodenoscopy did not demonstrate any bleeding source, and a colonoscopy showed a massive hemorrhage in the ascending colon but without an obvious focus. The source of the bleeding could not be found with a mesenteric artery angiography. We performed an enhanced abdominal computed tomography, which revealed a distal ascending colonic varix, and assumed that the varix was the source of the bleeding. We performed a venous coil embolization and histoacryl injection to obliterate the colon varix. The intervention appeared to be successful because the vital signs and hemoglobin laboratory data remained stable and because the hematochezia was no longer observed. We report here on a rare case of colonic variceal bleeding that was treated with venous coil embolization.

Keywords: Colon ascending; Varicose veins; Liver cirrhosis; Therapeutic embolization