Case Report
Copyright ©2008 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.
World J Gastroenterol. Nov 14, 2008; 14(42): 6581-6583
Published online Nov 14, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.6581
Laparoscopic approach to retrorectal cyst
Petra Gunkova, Lubomir Martinek, Jan Dostalik, Igor Gunka, Petr Vavra, Miloslav Mazur
Petra Gunkova, Lubomir Martinek, Jan Dostalik, Igor Gunka, Petr Vavra, Miloslav Mazur, Surgical Clinic of the Faculty Hospital Ostrava, 17. listopadu 1790, Ostrava Poruba 70800, Czech Republic
Author contributions: Gunkova P assisted the operation and wrote the paper; Martinek L operated on the patients; Dostalik J head of the Surgical Clinic; Gunka I, Vavra P and Mazur M examined the patients.
Correspondence to: Petra Gunkova, MD, the Faculty Hospital Ostrava, 17. listopadu 1790, Ostrava Poruba 70800, Czech Republic.
Telephone: +420-597-375052 Fax: +420-597-375054
Received: June 18, 2008
Revised: August 13, 2008
Accepted: August 20, 2008
Published online: November 14, 2008

Retrorectal cysts are rare benign lesions in the presacral space which are frequently diagnosed in middle-aged females. We report here our experience with two symptomatic female patients who were diagnosed as having a retrorectal cyst and managed using a laparoscopic approach. The two patients were misdiagnosed as having an ovarian cystic lesion after abdominal ultrasonography. Computer tomography (CT) scan was mandatory to establish the diagnosis. The trocar port site was the same in both patients. An additional left oophorectomy was done for a coexisting ovarian cystic lesion in one patient in the same setting. There was no postoperative morbidity or mortality and the two patients were discharged on the 5th and 6th post operative days, respectively. Our cases show that laparoscopic management of retrorectal cysts is a safe approach. It reduces surgical trauma and offers an excellent tool for perfect visualization of the deep structures in the presacral space.

Keywords: Presacral space; Retrorectal cyst; Laparoscopy