Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Orthop. Nov 18, 2016; 7(11): 709-717
Published online Nov 18, 2016. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v7.i11.709
Table 4 Diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder utilizing SIGECAPS mnemonic1
SleepInsomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
InterestMarkedly diminished interest or pleasure in nearly all activities most of the time
GuiltExcessive or inappropriate feelings of guilt or worthlessness most of the time
EnergyLoss of energy or fatigue most of the time
ConcentrationDiminished ability to think or concentrate; indecisiveness most of the time
AppetiteIncrease or decrease in appetite
PsychomotorObserved psychomotor agitation/retardation
SuicideRecurrent thoughts of death/suicidal ideation