Opinion Review
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Hepatol. Aug 27, 2022; 14(8): 1530-1540
Published online Aug 27, 2022. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v14.i8.1530
Table 1 Erectile dysfunction prevalence studies
Disease etiology and age
Journal, year
Method used
Cirrhosis of liver 70.3%. ED increases with increase in CTP scoreTadalafil improves erectile dysfunction and quality of life in men with cirrhosis: A randomized placebo controlled trialJagdish et al[1], IndiaHepatology International, 2021IIEF-5
Chronic viral liver diseases 60%, age < 50 years, 88% age > 50 years. ED Erectile dysfunction in patients with chronic viral liver disease: Its relevance to protein malnutritionToda et al[4], JapanJ Gastroenterology, 2005IIEF-5 and medical outcomes study short form 36 (SF-36)
Hepatitis B-aged 40-59 yr (SD 50.2 ± 5.7)Total 24.6%, (CHB-8.6%, HBV-LC-41.2%)Erectile dysfunction in patients with liver disease related to chronic hepatitis BKim et al[5], KoreaClinical and Molecular Hepatology, 2015Erectile function of patients was evaluated by the Korean version of IIEF-5
Hepatitis C, age -20-80 yr (SD; 50 ± 17.19) yr30%Erectile dysfunction in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infectionHunter et al[6], Egypt Arab J Gastroenterol, 2014 An Arabic validated version of the five-item IIEF-5
Alcoholic liver diseases (age < 56 yr)61%Sexual dysfunction in men with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. A comparative studyJensen et al[7], UKLiver, 1985 All groups had a significantly (P less than 0.025) raised prevalence of sexual dysfunction when compared to men without chronic disease
Chronic liver disease (mean age 54.8 ± 10.8 yr)50.6% Assessment of sexual function in patients with chronic liver diseaseSimsek et al[8], TurkeyInt J Impot Res, 2005 International index of erectile function