Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Sep 14, 2012; 18(34): 4758-4764
Published online Sep 14, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i34.4758
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the study subjects
ItemsHan populationUyghur populationTotal
UC patients5349102
Gender (male/female)22/3125/2447/55
Age of onset (yr)52 ± 1546 ± 1548 ± 16
Extensive colitis20 (0.38)30 (0.61)50 (0.49)
Distal colitis33 (0.62)19 (0.39)52 (0.51)
Mild and moderate47 (0.89)40 (0.82)87 (0.85)
Severe6 (0.11)9 (0.18)15 (0.15)
Healthy controls161149310
Gender (male/female)67/9470/79137/173
Age of onset (yr)48 ± 1549 ± 1347 ± 14
Table 2 Genotypic association of four single nucleotide polymorphisms with ulcerative colitis in Han and Uyghur populations n (%)
SNPsAlleleGroupsUC casesControlsχ2P
rs281377C/THan0 (0)/6 (11.3)/47 (88.7)9 (5.6)/42 (26.1)/110 (68.4)9.0910.011
C/TUyghur10 (20.4)/12 (24.5)/27 (55.1)15 (10.1)/59 (39.6)/75 (50.3)5.6330.060
rs1047781T/AHan5 (9.5)/13 (24.5)/35 (66.0)19 (11.8)/61 (37.9)/81 (50.3)4.0770.130
T/AUyghur2 (4.0)/4 (8.2)/43 (87.8)10 (6.7)/50 (33.6)/89 (59.7)13.4800.001
rs601338A/GHan0 (0)/1 (1.9)/52 (98.1)3 (1.8)/23 (14.3)/135 (83.9)7.3820.025
A/GUyghur6 (12.2)/9 (18.4)/34 (69.4)20 (13.4)/76 (51.0)/53 (35.6)18.7908.33 × 10-5
rs602662A/GHan0 (0)/3 (5.7)/50 (94.3)0 (0)/9 (5.6)/152 (94.4)NANA
A/GUyghur5 (10.2)/15 (30.6)/29 (59.2)11 (7.4)/61 (40.9)/77 (51.7)1.7760.412
Table 3 Allelic association of four single nucleotide polymorphisms with ulcerative colitis in Han, Uyghur and combined populations
SNPsGroupsRisk alleleFrequency (case/control)χ2PobsPempOR (95% CI)P (Q)PoverallOR (95% CI)
rs281377HanC0.057/0.18610.2900.0010.0020.26 (0.11-0.63)0.0030.1000.71 (0.47-1.07)
UyghurC0.327/0.2990.2700.6030.6361.14 (0.70-1.86)
rs1047781HanT0.217/0.3083.2030.0740.1060.62 (0.37-1.05)0.1000.0050.47 (0.31-0.72)
UyghurT0.082/0.23510.9500.0010.0020.29 (0.13-0.63)
rs601338HanA0.009/0.0907.9540.0050.1020.10 (0.01-0.72)0.1400.00030.35 (0.21-0.58)
UyghurA0.214/0.3899.9790.0020.0020.43 (0.25-0.73)
rs602662HanA0.028/0.0280.0000.9851.0001.01 (0.27-3.81)0.8600.6800.90 (0.56-1.47)
UyghurA0.255/0.2790.2040.6520.6990.89 (0.53-1.49)