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Copyright ©2011 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 28, 2011; 17(4): 433-443
Published online Jan 28, 2011. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v17.i4.433
Table 1 Computed tomographic features of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn’s disease
TuberculosisCrohn’s disease
Mural thickening without stratificationMural thickening with stratification in active inflammation
Strictures concentricStrictures eccentric
Fibrofatty proliferation of mesentery very rareFibrofatty proliferation of mesentery
Mesenteric inflammation but no vascular engorgementHypervascular mesentery (comb sign)
Hypodense lymph nodes with peripheral enhancementMild lymphadenopathy
High density ascitesAbscesses
Table 2 Clinical parameters and operative findings of 68 surgical patients with Crohn’s and 41 patients with intestinal tuberculosis n (%)
ParameterCrohn’s disease (n = 68)Intestinal Tuberculosis (n = 41)P value1
Clinical parameters
Mean age (yr)31.2 (16-52)36.8 (23-64)NS
Fever17 (25)28 (68)< 0.010
Pain50 (73)26 (63)NS
Altered bowel habits46 (67)14 (34)< 0.001
Fistula in ano7 (12)1 (2.4)NS
Anemia34 (50)28 (68)NS
Edema22 (32)14 (34)NS
Growth retardation14 (20)4 (9.7)NS
Treated as tuberculosis18 (26)8 (19)NS
Pulmonary involvement6 (8.2)14 (34)< 0.010
Abdominal distension18 (26)19 (46)< 0.050
Abdominal lump7 (12)8 (19)NS
Recurrent intestinal obstruction40 (59)14 (34)< 0.020
Operative findings
Peritoneal nodules15 (22)32 (78)< 0.001
Ascites19 (27)28 (68)< 0.001
Nodules over bowel/mesentery14 (20)14 (34)NS
Site of involvement:
Diffuse small bowel22 (32)6 (14.6)< 0.050
Jejunum14 (20)6 (14.6)NS
Ileum44 (64)32 (78)NS
Colon6 (8.8)2 (4.8)NS
Small bowel and colon18 (26)3 (7.3)< 0.020
Multiple strictures44 (64)4 (9.7)< 0.001
Skip lesions17 (25)4 (9.7)NS
Internal fistula14 (20)1 (2.4)< 0.01
Mesenteric fat creeping44 (64)28 (51)NS
Shortened mesentery18 (26)14 (34)NS
Aphthoid ulcers32 (47)15 (36)NS
Deep linear ulcers40 (59)8 (19)< 0.001
Cobblestone appearance44 (64)7 (17)< 0.001
Stricture40 (59)18 (44)NS