Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Gastroenterol. May 21, 2021; 27(19): 2415-2433
Published online May 21, 2021. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v27.i19.2415
Figure 3
Figure 3 Survival outcomes in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma following first-line systemic therapy. A, C, and E: Network diagrams; B: Interventions ranked by P value with hazard ratios for progression-free survival, D: Time to progression and F: overall survival for each treatment vs lenvatinib. CI: Confidence interval; FOLFOX4: Oxaliplatin/folinic acid/5-fluorouracil; HCC: Hepatocellular carcinoma; HR: Hazard ratio; OS: Overall survival; PIAF: Cisplatin/interferon α-2b/doxorubicin/5-fluorouracil; TTP: Time to progression.