Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Gastroenterol. May 21, 2021; 27(19): 2325-2340
Published online May 21, 2021. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v27.i19.2325
Table 1 Studies assessing the predictive values of risk assessment models in pancreatic cancer patients
Study design
Patients analyzed/included
VTE screening at study entry
Number of patients in each group
Study or median observation period
Patients with VTE during the overall follow-up, n (%)
Rates of VTE
Pelzer et al[45], 2013Retrospective analysis of theCONKO-004 RCTGermany144/312, APC included in the CONKO-004 trial (control arm)NoKhorana scoreIntermediate risk: 55/144 (38.2%); High risk: 89/144 (61.8%)12 mo21/144 (14.6%)At 6 mo: Intermediate risk: 4/55 (7.2%); High risk: 17/89 (19.1%)
Muñoz Martín et al[25], 2014RetrospectiveSpain73/84, ambulatory PC patientsreceiving chemotherapyNoKhorana scoreIntermediate risk: 36/84 (43%); High risk: 48/84 (57%)2008-201130/84 (35.7%)At 6 mo: Intermediate risk: 4/37 (10.8%); High risk: 10/36 (27.8%)
van Es et al[29], 2017RetrospectiveNetherlands147/178, ambulatory PC patientsstarting chemotherapyNoKhorana scoreIntermediate risk: 101/147 (69%); High risk: 46/147 (31%)2003-201420/147(13.6%)At 6 mo: Intermediate risk: 9/101 (8.9%); High risk: 4/46 (8.7%)
Kruger et al[28], 2017RetrospectiveGermany111/172, APC patients undergoing palliative chemotherapyNoKhorana scoreIntermediate risk: 69/111 (38%); High risk: 42/111 (62%)2002-201216/111 (14.4%)At 6 mo: Intermediate risk: 6/69 (8.6%)High risk: 5/42 (11.9%); During the overall observation period; Intermediate risk: 8/69 (11.6%); High risk: 8/42 (19.0%); P = 0.4
Berger et al[30], 2017RetrospectiveGermany150, PC patients receiving chemotherapyNoKhorana scoreIntermediate risk: 87/150 (58%); High risk: 63/150 (42%)2010-201437/150 (24.7%)Unspecified; During the overall observation period: no difference between groups (P = 0.44)
Godinho et al[39], 2020RetrospectivePortugal165 newly diagnosed PC patientsNoKhorana score; Onkotev scoreKhorana score: Intermediate risk: 106/165 (64%); High risk: 59/165 (36%). Onkotev score: Score 0: 30/165 (18.2%); Score 1: 63/165 (38.2%); Score 2: 55/165 (33.3%); Score ≥ 3: 17/165 (10.3%)6.3 mo51/165 (31%)During the overall observation period: Khorana score: Intermediate risk: 28/106 (26.4%); High risk: 23/59 (38.9%). Onkotev score: Score 0: 1/30 (< 10%); Score 1: 8/63 (< 10%); Score 2: 28/55 (41.8%); Score ≥ 3: 14/17 (70.6%)
Kim et al[32], 2018RetrospectiveKorea216 metastatic PC patients receiving palliative chemotherapyNoKhorana scoreIntermediate risk: 135/216 (62.5%); High risk: 81/21 (37.5%)2005-201550/216 (23.1%)During the overall observation period: Intermediate risk: 30/135 (22.2%); High risk: 20/81 (24.7%); P = 0.677
Frere et al[34], 2020ProspectiveFrance675 newly diagnosed PC patientsYes, patients excluded if VTE at diagnosisKhorana scoreIntermediate risk: 492/675 (73%); High risk: 183/675 (27%)2014-2019; 19.3 mo141/675 (20.8%)During the total follow-up: Intermediate risk: 108/492 (22%); High risk: 33/183 (18%); P = 0.26
Vadhan-Raj et al[41], 2020Retrospective subgroup analysis of the CASSINI RCTInternational138 PC patients undergoing chemotherapy included in the CASSINI trial (control arm)Yes, patients excluded if VTE at diagnosisKhorana scoreIntermediate risk: 100/138 (72.5%); High risk: 38/138 (27.5%)6 mo18/138 (13.0%)At 6 mo: Intermediate risk: 14/100 (14.0%); High risk: 4/38 (10.5%)