Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Gastroenterol. May 7, 2021; 27(17): 1920-1935
Published online May 7, 2021. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v27.i17.1920
Table 1 Artificial intelligence in diagnosis and risk prediction of inflammatory bowel disease
AI classifier vs comparator
IBD type
Study design and sample size
Study results/validation cohort
Mossotto et al[18], 2017Support vector machines (SVM) vs linear discriminantPeds CD/UCProspective cohort, 287 IBD patientsEndoscopic and histologic inflammationDiagnosis of IBDDiagnostic accuracy of 82.7% with an AUC of 0.87 in diagnosing Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Validation cohort included
Wei et al[19], 2013SVM with gradient boosted trees (GBT) vs simple log odds methodCD/UCCross-sectional, 30000 IBD patients, 22000 healthy controlsGenetics, ImmunoChipRisk of IBDThe SVM demonstrated very comparable performance (AUC 0.862 and 0.826 for CD and UC, respectively), whereas GBT showed inferior performance (AUC 0.802 and0.782 for CD and UC, respectively. Validation cohort included
Romagnoni et al[20], 2019Artificial neural networks (ANNs) vs penalized logistic regression (LR), and GBTCD Cross-sectional, 18227 CD patients, 34050 healthy controlsGenetics, ImmunoChipRisk of IBDUsing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), final predictive model achieved AUC of 0.80. Validation cohort included
Isakov et al[21], 2017Random forest (RF), SVM with svmPoly), extreme gradient boosting vs elastic net regularized generalized linear model (glmnet)CD/UCCross-sectional, 180 CD patients, 149 UC patients, 90 healthy controlsExpression data (microarray and RNA-seq)Risk of IBDThe method was used to classify a list of 16390 genes. Each gene received a score that was used to prioritize it according to its predicted association to IBD. The combined model demonstrated AUC, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy values of 0.829, 0.577, 0.88, and 0.808, respectively. Validation cohort included
Yuan et al[22], 2017Sequential minimal optimization vs DisGeNET (Version 4.0)CD/UCCross-sectional, 59 CD patients, 26 UC patients, 42 healthy controlsGene Expression datasetsRisk of IBDBy analyzing the gene expression profiles using minimum redundancy maximum relevance and incremental feature selection, 21 genes were obtained that could effectively distinguish samples from IBD and the non-IBD samples. Highest total prediction accuracy was 97.64% using the 1170th feature set. Validation cohort included
Hübenthal et al[23], 2015SVM vs RFCD/UCCross-sectional, 40 CD patients, 36 UC patients, 38 healthy controlsMicroRNAsDiagnosis of IBDMeasured by the AUC the corresponding median holdout-validated accuracy was estimated as ranging from 0.75 to 1.00 and 0.89 to 0.98, respectively. In combination, the corresponding models provide tools for the distinction of CD and UC as well as CD, UC and healthy control with expected classification error rates of 3.1 and 3.3%, respectively. Validation cohort included
Tong et al[24], 2020RF vs convolutional neural network (CNN)CD/UCRetrospective Cohort, 875 CD patients, 5128 UC patientsColonoscopy Endoscopic ImagesDiagnosis of IBDRF sensitivities/specificities of UC/CD were 0.89/0.84, 0.83/0.82, and 0.72/0.77, respectively, while the values for the CNN of CD was 0.90/0.77. The precisions/recalls of UC-CD when employing RF were 0.97/0.97, 0.65/0.53, respectively, and when employing the CNN were 0.99/0.97 and 0.87/0.83, respectively. Validation cohort included
Smolander et al[25], 2019Deep belief networks (DBNs) vs SVMCD/UCCross-sectional, 59 CD patients, 26 UC patients, 42 healthy controlsGene Expression datasetsDiagnosis of IBDUsing DBN only, accuracy for diagnosis of UC was 97.06% and CD was 97.07%. Using both DBN and SVM, accuracy for diagnosis of UC was 97.06% and CD was 97.03%. Validation cohort included
Abbas et al[26], 2019RF vs network-based biomarker discoveryPeds CD/UCCross-sectional, 657 IBD patients, 316 healthy controlsLarge dataset of new-onset pediatric IBD metagenomics biopsy samplesDiagnosis of IBDFor the diagnosis of IBD, highest AUC attained by top Random Forest classifiers was 0.77. No validation cohort included
Khorasani et al[27], 2020SVM vs recently developed feature selection algorithm (robustness-performance tradeoff, RPT)UCCross-sectional, 146 UC patients, 60 healthy controlsGene Expression datasetDiagnosis of IBDOur model perfectly detected all active cases and had an average precision of 0.62 in the inactive cases. Validation cohort included
Rubin et al[28], 2019CITRUS supervised machine learning algorithm. No comparatorCD/UCCross-sectional, 68 IBD patientsPeripheral blood mononuclear cells and intestinal biopsies mass cytometryDiagnosis of IBDAn 8-parameter immune signature distinguished Crohn's disease from ulcerative colitis with an AUC = 0.845 (95%CI: 0.742-0.948). No validation cohort included
Pal et al[29], 2017Naïve Bayes and with a consensus machine learning method vs Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation (CAGI) 4 methodCDCross-sectional, 64 CD patients, 47 healthy controlsGenotypes from Exome Sequencing DataRisk of IBDThe AUC for predicting risk of Crohn's disease using the SNP model was 0.72. No validation cohort included
Aoki et al[30], 2019Deep CNN. No comparatorCDRetrospective Cohort, 115 IBD patientsWireless capsule endoscopy imagesDiagnosis of IBDThe AUC for the detection of erosions and ulcerations was 0.958 (95%CI: 0.947-0.968). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the CNN were 88.2% (95%CI: 84.8-91.0), 90.9% (95%CI: 90.3-91.4), and 90.8% (95%CI: 90.2-91.3), respectively. Validation cohort included
Bielecki et al[31], 2012SVM vs human reader (pathologist)CD/UCCross-sectional, 14 CD patients, 13 UC patients, 11 healthy controlsRaman spectroscopic imaging of epithelium cellsDiagnosis of IBDRaman maps of human colon tissue sections were analyzed by utilizing innovative chemometric approaches. Using SVM, it was possible to separate between healthy control patients, patients with Crohn's Disease, and patients with ulcerative colitis with an accuracy of 98.90%. No validation cohort included
Cui et al[32], 2013Recursive SVM vs unsupervised learning strategyCD/UCCross-sectional, 124 IBD patients, 99 healthy controls16S rRNA gene analysisDiagnosis of IBDSelection level of 200 features results in the best leave-one-out cross-validation result (accuracy = 88%, sensitivity = 92%, specificity = 84%). Validation cohort included
Duttagupta et al[33], 2012SVM. No comparatorUCCross-sectional, 20 UC patients, 20 healthy controlsMicroRNAsDiagnosis of IBDSVM classifier measurements revealed a predictive score of 92.8% accuracy, 96.2% specificity and 89.5% sensitivity in distinguishing ulcerative colitis patients from normal individuals. Validation cohort included
Daneshjou et al[34], 2017Naïve bayes, neural networks, random forests vs CAGI methodsCDCross-sectional, 64 ICD patients, 47 healthy controlsExome SequencingDiagnosis of IBDIn CAGI4, 111 exomes were derived from a mix of 64 Crohn’s disease patients. Top performing methods had an AUC of 0.87. Validation cohort included
Geurts et al[35], 2005RF vs SVMCD/UCProspective cohort, 30 CD patients, 30 CD patientsProteomic Mass SpectrometryDiagnosis of IBDRandom forest model to diagnosis IBD had a sensitivity of 81.67%, specificity of 81.17%. Support vector machine model to diagnosis IBD had a sensitivity of 87.92%, specificity of 87.87%. Validation cohort included
Li et al[36], 2020RF vs ANNUCCross-sectional, 193 UC patients, 21 healthy controlsGene Expression ProfilesDiagnosis of IBDThe random forest algorithm was introduced to determine 1 downregulated and 29 upregulated differentially expressed genes contributing highest to ulcerative colitis occurrence. ANN was developed to calculate differentially expressed genes weights to ulcerative colitis. Prediction results agreed with that of an independent data set (AUC = 0.9506/PR-AUC = 0.9747). Validation cohort included
Wingfield et al[37], 2019RF vs SVMCDCross-sectional, 668 CD patientsMetagenomic DataDiagnosis of IBDHighest RPT measure for Crohn’s disease was random forest 0.60 and SVM 0.58. For ulcerative colitis, RPT was random forest 0.70 and SVM 0.48. Validation cohort included
Han et al[38], 2018RF vs LR, CORGCD/UCCross-sectional, 24 CD patients, 59 UC patients, 76 healthy controlsGene Expression ProfilesDiagnosis of IBDThe gene-based feature sets had median AUC on the validation sets ranging from 0.6 to 0.76). Validation cohort included
Wang et al[39], 2019AVADx (Analysis of Variation for Association with Disease) vs two GWAS-based CD evaluation methodsCDCross-sectional, 64 CD patients, 47 healthy controlsWhole Exome or Genome Sequencing DataDiagnosis of IBDAVADx highlighted known CD genes including NOD2and new potential CD genes. AVADx identified 16% (at strict cutoff) of CD patients at 99% precision and 58% of the patients (at default cutoff) with 82% precision in over 3000 individuals from separately sequenced panels. Validation cohort included