Case Control Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Gastroenterol. Sep 28, 2019; 25(36): 5494-5504
Published online Sep 28, 2019. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i36.5494
Table 3 Comparison of long-term quality of life between the laparoscopy-assisted pylorus preserving gastrectomy and laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy groups
LADG (n = 108)
LAPPG (n = 61)
P value
Median (interquartile)Median (interquartile)
Global health status/QoL66.7 (50.0, 83.3)66.7 (50.0, 83.3)0.466
Functional scales
Physical functioning86.7 (80.0, 93.3)90.0 (86.0, 100.0)0.032
Role functioning100.0 (66.7, 100.0)100.0 (83.3, 100.0)0.07
Emotional functioning83.3 (66.7, 100.0)83.3 (75.0, 100.0)0.757
Cognitive functioning83.3 (83.3, 100.0)83.3 (83.3, 100.0)0.690
Social functioning83.3 (83.3, 100.0)83.3 (83.3, 100.0)0.776
Symptom scales/items
Fatigue22.2 (11.1, 33.3)22.2 (11.1, 33.3)0.845
Nausea and vomiting0 (0, 16.7)0 (0, 16.7)0.916
Pain0 (0, 16.7)0 (0, 16.7)0.779
Dyspnea0 (0, 33.3)0 (0, 33.3)0.977
Insomnia0 (0, 33.3)0 (0, 33.3)0.387
Appetite loss0 (0, 0)0 (0, 33.3)0.070
Constipation0 (0, 33.3)0 (0, 33.3)0.073
Diarrhea16.7 (0, 33.3)33.3 (0, 33.3)0.718
Financial difficulties0 (0, 33.3)0 (0, 16.7)0.809
Dysphagia0 (0, 11.1)0 (0, 11.1)0.722
Pain8.3 (0, 25.0)16.7 (8.3, 33.3)0.034
Reflux11.1 (0, 22.2)11.1 (11.1, 33.3)0.001
Eating restrictions8.3 (0, 16.7)8.3 (0, 25.0)0.599
Anxiety22.2 (11.1, 33.3)22.2 (11.1, 38.9)0.949
Dry mouth33.3 (0, 33.3)0 (0, 33.3)0.204
Taste0 (0, 0)0 (0, 0)0.091
Body image0 (0, 33.3)33.3 (0, 33.3)0.847
Hair loss33.3 (0, 66.7)33.3 (16.7, 33.3)0.875