Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 7, 2012; 18(13): 1525-1530
Published online Apr 7, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i13.1525
Table 2 Comparison of hepatic fibrosis scoring systems between mild fibrosis and significant fibrosis regarding the hepatic histology of children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (mean ± SD)
Parameters and hepatic fibrosis scoresTotal (n = 77)Mild fibrosis(stage 0-1) (n = 51)Significant fibrosis(stage 2-3) (n = 26)P value
Invasive histopathologic NAFLD scores1
Steatosis (grade 0/1/2/3)0/13/36/280/7/22/220/6/14/60.085
Inflammation (grade 0/1/2/3)9/43/25/07/29/15/02/14/10/00.325
Ballooning (grade 0/1/2)27/33/1722/21/85/12/90.018
NAS4.3 ± 1.44.18 ± 1.484.46 ± 1.140.470
Noninvasive hepatic fibrosis scoring systems
AST/ALT ratio0.53 ± 0.220.52 ± 0.160.57 ± 0.310.802
AST/platelet ratio index0.71 ± 0.490.67 ± 0.540.78 ± 0.380.032
PGA index3.78 ± 1.803.85 ± 1.893.68 ± 1.700.710
Forns index-0.94 ± 1.18-1.06 ± 0.21-0.69 ± 1.090.097
FIB4 score0.27 ± 0.160.24 ± 0.120.31 ± 0.210.010
NAFLD fibrosis score-4.95 ± 1.32-5.07 ± 1.27-4.73 ± 1.410.532
Pediatric NAFLD fibrosis index7.67 ± 2.487.71 ± 2.797.61 ± 2.080.314