Brief Article
Copyright ©2010 Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 7, 2010; 16(13): 1644-1648
Published online Apr 7, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i13.1644
Table 1 Correlation between LRP16 expression and clinicopathological factors in colorectal cancer n (%)
Statistical value
Positive group (n = 197)Negative group (n = 139)
Male78 (61.4)49 (38.6)χ2 = 1.460a
Female39 (52.7)35 (47.3)P = 0.227
Age (yr)
< 4520 (64.5)11 (35.5)χ2 = 0.640a
45 ≤n < 6036 (58.0)26 (42.0)P = 0.726
≥ 6061 (56.5)47 (43.5)
Tumor size (cm)
d < 568 (50.0)68 (50.0)χ2 = 13.604a
5 ≤ d < 1042 (72.4)16 (27.6)P = 0.001
d ≥ 107 (100.0)0 (0.0)
Tumor location
Cecum5 (55.6)4 (44.4)χ2 = 6.027a
Ascending colon22 (75.9)7 (24.1)P = 0.304
Transverse colon8 (57.1)6 (42.9)
Descending colon6 (66.7)3 (33.3)
Sigmoid colon29 (60.4)19 (39.6)
Rectum47 (51.1)45 (48.9)
Histologic differentiation
Well differentiated12 (50.0)12 (50.0)χ2 = 9.210a
Moderately differentiated56 (50.9)54 (49.1)P = 0.010
Poorly differentiated49 (73.1)18 (226.9)
Depth of invasion, T stage
T12 (28.6)5 (71.4)χ2 = 25.470a
T225 (36.8)43 (63.2)P = 0.001
T379 (69.9)34 (30.1)
T411 (84.6)2 (15.4)
Lymph node metastasis
LN = 058 (45.3)70 (54.7)χ2 = 24.735a
LN = 1-343 (78.2)12 (21.8)P = 0.001
LN > 316 (88.9)2 (11.1)
Distant metastasis
Negative107 (56.3)83 (43.7)χ2 = 5.115a
Positive10 (90.9)1 (9.1)P = 0.027
TNM stage
 I-II52 (43.3)68 (57.7)χ2 = 27.088a
III-IV65 (80.2)16 (19.8)P = 0.001