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Copyright ©2010 Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 7, 2010; 16(13): 1598-1609
Published online Apr 7, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i13.1598
Table 2 Examples of the types of tracer kinetic models that have been applied for perfusion MRI of the liver
Single-input, single compartment, CC model
Scharf et al[48]Preclinical study in pigsExperimental model of normal liver in pigs. Only arterial input from hepatic artery taken into account. Such a model may lack physiological realism, especially when there is substantial vascular input contribution from the portal vein
Single-input, dual-compartment, DP model
Sahani et al[30]HCCSingle input assumed because majority of vascular input to HCC is derived from hepatic artery. Dual-compartment model used to probe interstitial space and PS, which can be substantial in tumors. DP model implemented as standard on General Electric (GE) perfusion software 2.0 used for analysis
Dual-input, single-compartment, CC model
Materne et al[45-47]Normal and cirrhotic liversAssumption of single compartment based on understanding that the fenestra in the sinusoids of liver are extremely porous and allows free exchange of low-molecular-weight contrast tracers between the vascular and the sinusoidal interstitial space. To simplify calculations, assumption was made that there was instantaneous mixing of contrast medium from the dual input[6,7,27,45-47,49] within the single compartment. In this way, quantitative parameters such as arterial perfusion, portal venous perfusion, MTT and volume of distribution (Ve) could be derived. Cuenod et al[27,49] applied a deconvolution technique to fit these parameters, and variants of such a model were also used by Funabasam et al[50] and Miyazaki et al[51]
Cuenod et al[27,49]Metastatic disease
Dual-input, dual-compartment, DP model
Koh et al[4,20]Metastases, HCC and cirrhosisThe DP model applies a concentration gradient within the vascular space. Parameters derived include, arterial flow, portal venous flow, fractional arterial flow, permeability, fractional intravascular space, fractional interstitial space, MTT, contrast arrival time. A dual-input dual-compartment approximation of the DP model is used commercially (CT Perfusion 3.0; General Electric, Milwaukee, USA) and was also adopted by Chen et al[42,52,53] in perfusion studies of the liver