Brief Reports
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2004.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 15, 2004; 10(16): 2412-2414
Published online Aug 15, 2004. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v10.i16.2412
Table 2 One-year follow-up findings of patients with removal or no removal of hypertrophied anal papillae and fibrous anal polyps (Student’s unpaired t test)
Findings based on complaints ofGroup AGroup BP
Pruritus ani7 (7%)32 (32%)0.0008
Anal pain and irritation5 (5%)26 (26%)0.0011
Discharge per anus2 (2%)34 (36%)0.0005
Sense of incomplete evacuation5 (5%)22 (22%)0.0008
Crawling sensation in anus8 (8%)48 (48%)0.0002
Pricking or foreign body sensation in anus3 (3%)32 (32%)0.0006
Prolapsed per rectumNil4 (4%)N
Sepsis in the wound1 (1%)8 (8%)0.0044
Recurrence of papillae or polypsNilNot applicableN
Recurrence of fissureNilNilN
Overall satisfaction from the procedures89%64%0.0004