BPG is committed to discovery and dissemination of knowledge
Format for comments
Browse: 3637  |   Download: 622  |   Issue Date: 2013-01-04

Last updated August 2, 2014



Format for comments (highlighted content)


A “COMMENTS” section, highlighting the key points of an article, will be attached after each scientific research article published in the World series journals.

The purpose of the COMMENTS section that is included after each published article is to help readers outside of your field, including scientists and members of the public (such as representatives of the mass media), to better understand your research and its implications. This will help the journal to achieve a broader dissemination and promote the benefit of your findings to your field and possibly beyond. The COMMENTS section aims to help readers avoid misunderstanding or over-interpretation of your study by summarizing the content of your article, including technical details, in a precise and simple manner. The COMMENTS section is broken down into the following subsections: background, research frontiers, innovations and breakthroughs, significance of the applications, terminology, and comments from peer reviewers. The specific requirements for each subsection are provided below.