Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Methodol. Mar 26, 2015; 5(1): 1-9
Published online Mar 26, 2015. doi: 10.5662/wjm.v5.i1.1
Table 1 Advantages and limitations of available techniques the measurement of Energy Expenditure
Direct calorimetryThe gold standard method for measure EE in animal modelsHigh complexity, high cost, need to confine the subject for almost 24 h
Indirect calorimetryThe gold standard to measure REE in humans. Non invasive, adequately accurate, highly reproducibleHigh cost, relatively complex, need of trained personnel
Bioelectrical impedance analysisNon invasive, simple, adequately accurate for body composition analysis, relatively inexpensiveThe estimation of EE is limited by the need of obesity-specific predictive equations
Multi-sensor deviceEasy and practical to useThe estimation of EE is limited by the need of obesity-specific predictive equation
Table 2 Most commonly proposed predictive equations for the estimation of the resting energy expenditure
AgeSex Equation
Harris and Benedict (kcal/d)15-74Male66.4730 + 13.7516 (W) + 5.0033 (H) – 6.7550 (A)
15-74Female655.0955 + 9.5634 (W) + 1.8496 (H) – 4.6756 (A)
Schofield (MJ/die)10-17Male0.074 (W) + 2.754
10-17Female0.056 (W) + 2.898
18-29Male0.063 (W) + 2.896
18-29Female0.062 (W) + 2.036
30-59Male0.048 (W) + 3.653
30-59Female0.034 (W) + 3.538
≥ 60Male0.049 (W) + 2.459
≥ 60Female0.038 (W) + 2.755
FAO/ WHO/ UNU (MJ/d)10-17Male0.0732 (W) + 2.72
10-17Female0.0510 (W) + 3.12
18-29Male0.0640 (W) + 2.84
18-29Female0.0615 (W) + 2.08
30-60Male0.0485 (W) + 3.67
30-60Female0.0364 (W) + 3.47
> 60Male0.0565 (W) + 2.04
> 60Female0.0439 (W) + 2.49
Mifflin-St Jeor (kcal/d)19-78Male10 × W + 6.25 × H – 5 × A + 5
19-78Female10 × W + 6.25 × H – 5 × A – 161
Owen (kcal/d)18-65Male879 + 10.2 × W
18-65Female795 + 7.18 × W