Evidence-Based Medicine
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Transplant. Dec 24, 2016; 6(4): 759-766
Published online Dec 24, 2016. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v6.i4.759
Table 1 Characteristics of the multi-center, randomized Astellas Corticosteroid Withdrawal Study with a follow-up time of 5 years[8]
CS withdrawal at day 7 arm (n = 191)Standard CS arm (n = 195)P-value
Baseline demographic, immunological risk and immunosuppressive therapy data
Age (mean ± SD, yr)46.6 ± 12.246.2 ± 12.7NS
Female gender (%)30.936.4NS
African American (%)17.821.5NS
Deceased donor (%)43.542.6NS
Cold ischemic time (mean ± SD, h)18.4 ± 5.717.2 ± 7.3NS
HLA mismatch (mean)3.53.5NS
Current PRA (mean ± SD)1.6 ± 5.31.8 ± 5.5NS
Induction immunosuppression (%)NS
Maintenance immunosuppressionTAC, MMFTAC, MMF
Main outcomes
Biopsy-proven acute rejection (%)17.810.80.04 (with Kaplan-Meier analysis)
Allograft survival (%)94.293.3NS
Patient survival (%)94.296.4NS
Creatinine clearance (Cockroft-Gault equation, mean ± SD, mL/min)58.6 ± 19.759.8 ± 20.5NS
Table 2 Characteristics of major randomized corticosteroid avoidance trials (the trial by Woodle et al[8] is described separately in table 1); P > 0.05 for all comparisons unless otherwise stated
Ref.Patient numberImmunological riskTiming of CS withdrawalInduction immunosuppressionMaintenance immunosuppressionBiopsy-proven acute rejection (%)Allograf/patient survival (%)Follow-up (mo)
Vítko et al[10]151Low/moderateDay 1NoTAC, MMF30.5f97/996
147(PRA < 50%, first transplant)Standard CS8.2f96/100
Laftavi et al[13]30Low (PRA < 30%, first transplant)Day 7rALGTAC, MMF13NR12
30Standard CS11
Kumar et al[12]150LowDay 2BasiliximabTAC or CsA, MMF or sirolimus1678/9136
150(PRA < 10%)Standard CS1479/89
Vincenti et al[11]112Low (PRA < 20%, first transplant)No CSBasiliximabCsA, EC-MPS31.5a96/9512
115Day 726.1b98/98
109Standard CS14.7ba97/98
Hanaway et al[17]164LowDay 5AlemtuzumabTAC, MMF10d93/9536
171(PRA < 20%, first transplant)Day 5Basiliximab22d92/98
Haynes et al[16]426UnselectedNo CSAlemtuzumabLow-dose TAC-MMF/ Standard TAC-MMF7h96/976
426patientsStandard CSBasiliximab16h97/99
Table 3 Characteristics of major randomized corticosteroid withdrawal trials
Ref.Patient numberImmunological riskTiming of CS withdrawalInduction immunosuppressionMaintenance immunosuppressionBiopsy-proven acute rejection (%)Allograft/patient survival (%)Follow-up (mo)
Vanrenterghem et al[20]252LowAt month 3NoCsA, MMF23b95/9912
248Standard CS14b96/98
Smak Gregoor et al[24]76LowAfter month 6NoCsA, MMF4.0a98/9724
73Standard CS1.497/97
Vanrenterghem et al[21]279LowAfter month 3NoTAC, MMF5.9ad93/996
277Standard CS0.9d94/98
Table 4 Characteristics of corticosteroid avoidance/withdrawal trials in immunologically high-risk and in pediatric patients
Ref.Patient numberImmunological riskTiming of CS withdrawalInduction immunosuppressionMaintenance immunosuppressionAcute rejection (%)Allograft/patient survival (%)Follow-up (mo)
Immunologically high-risk patients
Thomas et al[26]11PRA > 20%, orNo CSAlemtuzumabTAC18.286/10012
10repeat transplantDay 5ATGTAC, MMF37.588/88
Hanaway et al[17]164PRA > 20%, orDay 5AlemtuzumabTAC, MMF1891/9936
171black race, or repeat transplantDay 5ATG1584/91
Pediatric patients
Grenda et al[28]98Low/moderateDay 4DaclizumabTAC, MMF10.297/996
98(PRA < 50%)Standard CSNo induction7.197/100
Höcker et al[29]23Moderate/high (PRA < 80%)After year 1NoCsA, MMF4100/10024
19Standard CS10100/100