Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Transplant. Jan 18, 2020; 10(1): 1-14
Published online Jan 18, 2020. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v10.i1.1
Table 1 Major categories of ex vivo machine perfusion therapeutics in liver transplantation
RNAi pathwaysiRNA
Anti-sense oligonucleotide (Miravirsen)
Defatting cocktailVariable
BQ123 and Verapamil
Prostaglandin E1
OthersAnti-inflammatory agents
Human liver stem cells extracellular vesicles
δ-opioid agonist (Enkephalin)
NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitor mcc950
Table 2 Other major therapeutic additives in models of ex vivo liver machine perfusion
Ref.Ex vivoperfusion typeTherapeuticProblemAnimalModelSamplesizeEx vivo perfusiontime (h)Outcomes                                                            
Goldaracena et al[9], 2016SNMPAnti-inflammatory agentsIRIPigTransplantation54During EVLP: lower AST, TNF-α, IL-6
Lower HA levels, β-galactosidase and higher IL-10 (nonsignificant)
After transplantation: Lower bilirubin, lower IL-6, lower cleaved caspase 3 staining, intact sinusoidal endothelial cell lining
(Alprostadil, n-acetylcysteine, carbon monoxide, sevoflurane)
Lower AST, TNF-α, HA,
ALP and higher IL-10 (nonsignificant)
Rigo et al[65], 2018NMPHLSC-EVIRIRatEVLP94HLSC-EV uptake in treated livers
Reduced necrosis and apoptosis on histology, lower Suzuki tissue injury score, lower apoptosis, lower AST and LDH, lower HIF-1α & TGF-β1 (hypoxia induced markers)
NMP had low hematocrit to induce hypoxia
Beal et al[66], 2019NMPEnkephalinIRIRatEVLP6410 μmol/L determined to be optimal concentration in an in vitro model: Lower ALT and MDA; better preservation of structural architecture; decreased caspase-3 expression;
(δ-opioid agonist)
decreased TUNEL staining; decreased phosphorylation of p38 and JNK; increased expression of p-Akt, PI3K, p-Bad and Bcl-2
Yu et al[67], 2019HMPNLRP3 InflammasomeIRIPigTransplantation62All reduced in HMP-postop group with added mcc950 in perfusate and IV administration of mcc950
After transplantation: TNF-α, IL-1β, β-galactosidase, post-reperfusion serum ALT and AST, MDA, apoptosis staining, caspase-1 levels
Inhibitor mcc950
Table 3 Summary of proposed advantages and limitations of liver machine perfusion therapeutics
TherapeuticAdvantagesLimitations/future considerations                        
RNAi pathwaySelectively targets and silences/degrades specific genesMost beneficial/effective siRNA target against liver IRI in transplantation remains to be identified
Mechanism of siRNA silencing pathway is generally understoodPotential for administration of multiple siRNA constructs each with a different target
Organ-specific uptakeRequires design of siRNA against target mRNA and validation of target silencing
Permits imaging studies visualizing tissue uptake and distribution
Defatting cocktailsAbility to restore liver function by defattingSteatotic livers are already predisposed to IRI[32]
Aimed at enhancing natural lipid metabolism via lipid export, reduction of triglyceride levels, and stimulation of lipid oxidation and ketogenesisMechanisms of glucose and lipid control in liver remain poorly defined[69]
Undefined consensus for quantifying degree of steatosis[70]
Need for perfusate exchange protocol as secreted triglycerides recirculate causing further increase in lipid deposition[47]
Kinetics of defatting may surpass average timeframe of liver transplantation[48]
VasodilatorsFocused on improving intrinsic function of liver to improve blood flow via smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilationEffects of vasodilators in marginal grafts remains unclear[61]
Act to increase arterial flow and decrease post-sinusoidal resistance[71]Combination of agents does not allow for specific identification of most beneficial agent(s)
Anti-inflammatory agentsSome agents also act as vasodilators[68,72,73]Mechanisms of anti-inflammatory agents remains unexplored in context of ex vivo liver perfusion[9]
Act to scavenge free radicals to prevent IRI[74]Combination of agents does not allow for determination of which specific agents were beneficial[9]
Ability to protect other cell types such as endothelial cells[75,76]
HLSC-EVRegenerative and hepatoprotective properties[77,78]Unknown mechanism of hypoxic protection[65]
Diverse differentiating capabilities[77]Timing of EV uptake during NMP currently unknown[65]
Contain mRNA and miRNA subsets that modulate activity of target cells[79]
May serve as option for liver diseases without need for stem cells transplantation[65]
δ-opioid agonist (Enkephalin)Protects against oxidative stress[66]Unknown therapeutic role in setting of post-perfusion liver transplant model with measured outcomes of graft function[66]
Prevention of mitochondrial dysfunction via opioid receptor signaling[66]
Protection against IRI by slowing cellular metabolism[80,81]Unknown role in cold ischemia conditions for liver transplant models[66]
NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitor (mcc950)Blocks NLRP3-inflammsome activation preventing inflammatory liver damage[82,83]mcc950 half-life is 3.27 h, while NLRP3 inflammasome activation lasts for several days after reperfusion[84,85]
Reduces apoptosis post liver transplantation[67]Additional mcc950 inhibition studies involving in vitro and in vivo models needed[67]