Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Pharmacol. Dec 9, 2014; 3(4): 110-119
Published online Dec 9, 2014. doi: 10.5497/wjp.v3.i4.110
Table 1 Genes used as predictive pharmacogenomics biomarkers to assess the safety and efficacy clinical profiles of individual marketed anticancer drugs1,2
DrugGeneSafety/efficacy profile
AnastozoleERLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor ER-negative expression
CapecitabineDPYDLower safety; ADRs; Orodigestive neutropenia
CetuximabEGFRLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor EGFR-negative expression
K-RASLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor specific K-RAS mutations
CisplatinTPMTLower safety; ADRs; cytotoxicity associated with hearing loss in children
CrizotinibALKEfficacy; indication only in patients bearing ALK gene rearrangement positive tumors (EML4-ALK translocation)
DabrafenibBRAFEfficacy; indicated only in melanoma patients with BRAF V600E mutation
G6PDSafety; ADRs; toxicity in G6PD deficient patients
DasatinibPh+Efficacy; indicated only for Ph+ tumors
ErlotinibEGFRLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor EGFR-negative expression
EverolimusHer2/NeuEfficacy; indicated in HER2 protein overexpression negative in breast cancer women
EREfficacy; indicated for breast cancer women bearing ER positive tumors (ESR1+)
ExemestaneERLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor ER-negative expression
ImatinibPh+Efficacy; indicated only for Ph+ tumors
PDGFREfficacy; indicated in myelodysplastic- myeloproliferative syndromes with PGFRR gene rearrangements
FIP1L1-PDGFRAEfficacy; assessment of FIP1L1-PDGFRA translocation -fusion kinase in tumors
c-kitLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with absence of tumor activating c-Kit mutations
IrinotecanUGT1A1Lower safety; ADRs; diarrhea, increased risk for severe neutropenia in high doses of irinotecan
LapatinibHer2/NeuEfficacy; indicated for over-expressing Her2/Neu advanced or metastatic breast cancer
LetrozoleERLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor ER-negative expression
NilotinibPh+Efficacy; indicated only for Ph+ tumors
UGT1A1Safety; increased risk of hyperbilirubinemia in patients with UGT1A1*28 genotype
6-MercaptopurineTPMTLower safety; ADRs; neutropenia
PanitumumabEGFRLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor EGFR-negative expression
K-RASLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor specific K-RAS mutations
PertuzumabHER2/NeuEfficacy; indicated only for HER2/Neu+ breast cancer
TamoxifenERLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor ER-negative expression
CYP2D6Lower efficacy; loss of therapeutic benefit for PMs and/or upon co-administration with CYP2D6 inhibitors; lower plasma levels of active metabolite endoxifen achieved
FVSafety; ADRs; risk for venous thromboembolism in breast cancer women also bearing factor V Leiden (FLV) mutations
F2Safety; ADRs; risk for venous thromboembolism in breast cancer women also bearing factor II (prothrombin) mutations
ThioguanineTPMTLower safety; ADRs; Neutropenia
TrastuzumabHER2/NeuLower efficacy; no response in cancer patients with tumor HER2/Neu-negative expression
VemurafenibBRAFEfficacy; indicated only in melanoma patients whose tumors has a mutation at amino acid 600 of the B-raf protein (V600E and/or V600K BRAF mutations)