Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Crit Care Med. Aug 4, 2015; 4(3): 230-239
Published online Aug 4, 2015. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v4.i3.230
Table 3 Incidence of thrombotic and bleeding complications in the prospective 1975-1996 Rotterdam study of 68 ET patients during a median follow-up of 6.7 years according to treatment strategy (Van Genderen et al[4,5] 1997)
TreatmentstrategyDuration of follow-up person (yr)Thrombotic events
Bleeding events
Events (n)Events/100 person (yr)Events (n)Events/100 person (yr)
Asymptomatic 14 patients
Watchful waiting12727133.321.6
Symptomatic 54 patients
Low-dose aspirin13953.61037.2
Platelet reduction1131028.921.8
Low-dose aspirin + platelet reduction400-410
Table 1 Incidence of thrombotic events related to age in 100 patients with essential thrombocythemia not on aspirin in the 1990 Bergamo study[11]
Age (yr)No. of patientsPatient/yearsEvents numberEvents % pt/yr
< 403411821.70%
> 6029731115%
Total thrombotic events in 20 of 100 ET patients
Table 2 The type and number of microvascular thrombotic events in the 1990 Bergamo study are very characteristic for untreated thrombocythemia[11]
Cortelazzo et al[11] 1990No. of patientsNo. ofevents
Digital ischemia7
Transient ischemic attacks15
Myocardial infarction3
Superficial Thrombophlebitis3
Femoral DVT1
Unusual localization DVT3
Bleeding complications4
Table 4 Major cardiovascular and venous thrombotic events at diagnosis or during long-term follow-up in 323 polycythemia vera and 639 essential thrombocthemia patients according to the JAK2V617F mutation status in the retrospective study of Vannucchi (only major thrombotic events were retrospectively recorded excluding the erythromelalgic and migraine like cerebral ischemic events[20])
PatientsPV n = 323ET n = 625
JAK2V617 mutation statusHetero homozygous hetero wild type
No. of patients219104368237
At diagnosis
Major arterial events21%15.4%21.7%10.5%
Venous events2.9%2.9%7.9%4.7%
During 10 yr follow-up (not on aspirin)
Major arterial events10.1%12.5%6.3%5.8%
Venous events4.1%7.7%6.3%2.7%
Total during life time follow-up
Major arterial31.1%27.9%28%16.3%
Table 5 Top 20 clinical manifestations in patients with who defined myeloproliferative neoplasm essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera and myelofibrosis based on the Dutch myeloproliferative neoplasm Questionaire 2009-2010[23]
SymptomTop 20 MPN complaintsAll MPN
n = 497%%%%
1Fatigue, listless39981808185
2Microvascular acra3727857615646
3Cognitive disturbances3726253525645
4Visual disturbances3724951505246
5Night sweats23648445052
8Bruises, bleedings21143404543
9Splenomegaly constitutional symptoms19840224378
11Migraine headache without visual symptoms18437463522
12Bone pain17235333634
13Heart arrythmias15431343124
14Dysarthria, dyslexia15131313130
15Hypersensitive to sounds and noices14930293228
17Claudicatio intermittens14028283024
18Hypersensitive to lights13628253216
19Visual disturbances without headache183354390
20Headache without visual symptoms244343490
Table 6 Staging of JAK2V617F positive prodromal polycythemia vera, erythrocythemic polycythemia vera, and five stages of PV according to WHO-ECMP criteria related to therapy anno 2014[10,13,34-37]
PV: WHO-ECMP stage0123456
WHO-ECMP clinical diagnosisProdromal PVErythrocy-themic PVEarly PVOvert PV Classical PVPV PMF Masked PVPost-PV MF Spent PVLeukemic PV MDS/AL
Red cell massNVariableN/↓
Serum EPON/↓N/↓VariableN/↓
Erythrocytes × 1012/L< 5.8> 5.8> 5.8> 5.8< 5.8VariableN/↓
Leukocytes × 109/L< 12< 12< or > 12< or- > 15> 15> 20> 20
Platelets × 109/L> 400400< or > 400> 400< or > 1000VariableVariable
WHO-ECMP bone marrowEarly PVEarly PVEarly PVTrilinear PVTrilinear PVMyelofibrosisLeukemic
Bone marrow cellularity (%)50-8050-8060-10080-10080-100DecreasedIncreased
Grading reticulin fibrosis: RFRF 0-1RF 0-1RF 0-1RF 0/1,RCF 2/3RCF 3/4
Grading myelofibrosis: MF57MF 0MF 0MF 0MF 0MF 1/2MF 2/3
Splenomegaly on palpationNo/+NoNo/++++/+++/LargeLarge
Spleen size, echogram cm< 12-15< 1312-1512-1818 - > 20> 20> 20
Spleen size on palpation cm0-3NP0-34-6> 6> 8> 8
JAK2V617F in Granulocytes %lowlowModerate < 50High > 50High > 50High > 50No or ++
JAK2V617F in BFU-e (exon 12)+(++)+(++)+(++)++++++
Therapeutic implicationsLow riskLow riskLow riskIntermediate risk PVHigh risk PV-MFPost-PV MF Spent phase PVLeukemia
Anno 2014
First line aspirin/Phlebotomy Second line IFN vs HU Third line JAK2 inhibitorAspirin PhlebotomyAspirin PhlebotomyPhlebotomy Aspirin Low dose IFN → responsivePhlebotomy1 Aspirin IFN à resistant → HUIf IFN resistant → HU or JAK2 inhibitorJAK2 Inhibitor → Bone marrow transplantationChemotherapy Bone marrow transplantation? Supportive