Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol. Nov 15, 2015; 6(4): 131-139
Published online Nov 15, 2015. doi: 10.4291/wjgp.v6.i4.131
Table 1 Genes significantly overexpressed in the Gcgr-/- mouse liver
Gene symbolmRNA descriptionGO biological process termFold increase
Cdkn1aCyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (P21), transcript variant 1Response to DNA damage stimulus/cell cycle/cell cycle arrest/negative regulation of cell proliferation5.6
Igfbp1Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1Regulation of cell growth5.5
Defb1Defensin beta 1Defense response/response to bacterium/defense response to bacterium/innate immune response5.2
Gpr64G protein-coupled receptor 64, transcript variant 1Signal transduction/cell surface receptor linked signaling pathway/G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway/neuropeptide signaling pathway5.1
Serpina7Serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 7Post-embryonic development/response to vitamin A/response to drug4.9
Cpt1bCarnitine palmitoyltransferase 1b, muscle, nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial proteinLipid metabolic process/fatty acid metabolic process/transport/long-chain fatty acid transport/long-chain fatty acid transport4.6
Chac1ChaC, cation transport regulator-like 1 (E. coli)Apoptosis/response to unfolded protein/biological_process4.3
Npas2Neuronal PAS domain protein 2Transcription/regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent/signal transduction/circadian sleep/wake cycle/regulation of transcription/locomotor rhythm/positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter/rhythmic process3.9
Slc34a2Solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 2In utero embryonic development/transport/ion transport/sodium ion transport/phosphate transport/phosphate transport/phosphate transport3.6
Fabp5Fatty acid binding protein 5, epidermalGlucose metabolic process/lipid metabolic process/phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process/transport/glucose transport3.5
BC023105cDNA sequence BC023105Unknown3.1
Cav1Caveolin 1, caveolae proteinMAPKKK cascade/inactivation of MAPK activity/vasculogenesis/response to hypoxia/negative regulation of endothelial cell proliferation/negative regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway/triglyceride metabolic process/calcium ion transport/cellular calcium ion homeostasis/cellular calcium ion homeostasis/endocytosis/regulation of smooth muscle contraction2.8
LplLipoprotein lipaseLipid metabolic process/positive regulation of macrophage derived foam cell differentiation/lipid catabolic process/triglyceride biosynthetic process/triglyceride catabolic process2.7
Il22ra1Interleukin 22 receptor, alpha 1Blood coagulation2.6
AcacaAcetyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase alphaTissue homeostasis/acetyl-CoA metabolic process/lipid metabolic process/fatty acid biosynthetic process/metabolic process/lipid biosynthetic process/response to organic cyclic substance/multicellular organismal protein metabolic process2.6
InhbaInhibin beta-AMesoderm formation/hemopoietic progenitor cell differentiation/growth/positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter/mesodermal cell differentiation/negative regulation of hair follicle development2.6
Gadd45bGrowth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible 45 betaActivation of MAPKK activity/negative regulation of protein kinase activity/apoptosis/multicellular organismal development/cell differentiation/regulation of cell cycle2.4
Tgtp1T-cell specific GTPase 1Immune response/response to virus2.4
Rassf4Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 4Cell cycle/signal transduction2.4
Cxcl13Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13Chemotaxis/inflammatory response/immune response/lymph node development2.4
Il1bInterleukin 1 betaAngiogenesis/fever/inflammatory response/immune response/elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration/aging2.4
Tgtp1T-cell specific GTPase 1Immune response/response to virus2.3
AsnsAsparagine synthetaseAsparagine biosynthetic process/glutamine metabolic process/metabolic process/cellular amino acid biosynthetic process2.3
Socs2Suppressor of cytokine signaling 2, transcript variant 1Lactation/regulation of growth/regulation of multicellular organism growth/negative regulation of multicellular organism growth/negative regulation of multicellular organism growth/positive regulation of neuron differentiation/negative regulation of JAK-STAT cascade/mammary gland alveolus development2.3
Meig1Meiosis expressed gene 1Meiosis2.3
Cxcl9Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9Inflammatory response/immune response2.2
Vtcn1V-set domain containing T cell activation inhibitor 1Negative regulation of T cell activation2.2
H2-Ab1Histocompatibility 2, class II antigen A, beta 1Antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II/immune response/antigen processing and presentation/antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class II2.2
Spon2Spondin 2, extracellular matrix proteinCell adhesion/innate immune response2.2
Rgs16Regulator of G-protein signaling 16G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway/negative regulation of signal transduction2.1
Il2rgInterleukin 2 receptor, gamma chainRegulation of gene expression/positive regulation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation/positive regulation of T cell differentiation in the thymus/positive regulation of B cell differentiation2.1
Wdr67WD repeat domain 67, transcript variant 1Regulation of Rab GTPase activity2.1
Prss8Protease, serine, 8 (prostasin)Hair follicle development/proteolysis2.1
Bach2BTB and CNC homology 2Transcription/regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent/regulation of transcription2.0
Serpina12Serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 12Unknown2.0
Table 2 Genes significantly underexpressed in the Gcgr-/- mouse liver
Gene symbolmRNA descriptionGO biological process termFold decrease
Mmd2Monocyte to macrophage differentiation-associated 2Cytolysis9.7
NnmtNicotinamide N-methyltransferaseUnknown6.2
GcgrGlucagon receptorExocytosis/signal transduction/cell surface receptor linked signaling pathway/G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway/G-protein signaling, coupled to cAMP nucleotide second messenger/activation of adenylate cyclase activity by G-protein signaling pathway5.3
Mfsd2aMajor facilitator superfamily domain containing 2ATransport/transmembrane transport4.2
OatOrnithine aminotransferase, nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial proteinUnknown4.1
Slc10a2Solute carrier family 10, member 2Transport/ion transport/sodium ion transport/organic anion transport/bile acid and bile salt transport3.9
A1bgAlpha-1-B glycoproteinUnknown3.5
Gm129Gene model 129 (NCBI)Unknown3.3
SdsSerine dehydrataseGluconeogenesis/cellular amino acid metabolic process/metabolic process3.1
Pck1Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1, cytosolicGluconeogenesis/gluconeogenesis/oxaloacetate metabolic process/lipid metabolic process/glycerol biosynthetic process from pyruvate3.0
Lrtm1Leucine-rich repeats and transmembrane domains 1Unknown3.0
Ntrk2Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2, transcript variant 1Vasculogenesis/protein amino acid phosphorylation/transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway/multicellular organismal development/nervous system development/feeding behavior/glutamate secretion/regulation of metabolic process/cell differentiation/brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway/mechanoreceptor differentiation3.0
Gls2Glutaminase 2 (liver, mitochondrial), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial proteinGutamine metabolic process3.0
Susd4Sushi domain containing 4Unknown2.9
Slc16a5Solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 5Unknown2.9
Ccrn4lCCR4 carbon catabolite repression 4-like (S. cerevisiae)Rhythmic process2.9
LhppPhospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphataseMetabolic process2.7
NebNebulinRegulation of actin filament length/sarcomere organization2.6
Got1Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 1, solubleOxaloacetate metabolic process/glycerol biosynthetic process/cellular amino acid metabolic process/aspartate metabolic process/aspartate biosynthetic process/biosynthetic process/glutamate catabolic process to aspartate/glutamate catabolic process to 2-oxoglutarate/dicarboxylic acid metabolic process/fatty acid homeostasis2.6
Sult5a1Sulfotransferase family 5A, member 1Unknown2.6
Hapln1Hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1Cell adhesion2.5
Mt2Metallothionein 2Cellular zinc ion homeostasis/nitric oxide mediated signal transduction/detoxification of copper ion2.5
Mt1Metallothionein 1Cellular metal ion homeostasis/cellular zinc ion homeostasis/nitric oxide mediated signal transduction/detoxification of copper ion2.4
Slc3a1Solute carrier family 3, member 1Amino acid transport2.4
TrdnTriadinCellular calcium ion homeostasis/regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol by sarcoplasmic reticulum/negative regulation of calcium ion transport via store-operated calcium channel activity2.4
Bhlhe41Basic helix-loop-helix family, member e41Negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter/transcription/regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent/circadian rhythm/entrainment of circadian clock/regulation of transcription2.3
Usp2Ubiquitin specific peptidase 2, transcript variant 3Ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process2.3
Derl3Der1-like domain family, member 3Unknown2.3
Mrap2Melanocortin 2 receptor accessory protein 2, transcript variant 1Unknown2.2
Ncam2Neural cell adhesion molecule 2, transcript variant 1Cell adhesion2.2
S1pr5Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 5Signal transduction/G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway2.2
1810046K07RikRIKEN cDNA 1810046K07 geneUnknown2.2
Nrg4Neuregulin 4Unknown2.2
Gas2Growth arrest specific 2Apoptosis/cell cycle/cell cycle arrest/regulation of cell shape2.2
Ttc39bTetratricopeptide repeat domain 39BUnknown2.2
Cyp17a1Cytochrome P450, family 17, subfamily a, polypeptide 1Steroid biosynthetic process/glucocorticoid biosynthetic process/oxidation reduction2.1
Creld2cysteine-rich with EGF-like domains 2Unknown2.1
Upp2Uridine phosphorylase 2Nucleoside metabolic process/nucleotide catabolic process2.1
ArAndrogen receptorIn utero embryonic development/transcription/regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent/regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter/male gonad development/cellular process/regulation of gene expression/male somatic sex determination/androgen receptor signaling pathway/androgen receptor signaling pathway/positive regulation of estrogen receptor signaling pathway/positive regulation of MAPKKK cascade/positive regulation of insulin-like growth factor receptor signaling pathway2.1
Gm10419Lung RCB-0558 LLC cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G730014J15 product: Hypothetical proteinUnknown2.1
Sdf2l1Stromal cell-derived factor 2-like 1Unknown2.0
TrdnTriadinCellular calcium ion homeostasis/regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol by sarcoplasmic reticulum/negative regulation of calcium ion transport via store-operated calcium channel activity2.0
Antxr2Anthrax toxin receptor 2Unknown2.0
Table 3 Pathway analysis of differentially expressed genes in the Gcgr-/- mouse liver
Glucose homeostasisInflammationCell proliferationMetabolism
Underexpressed in Gcgr-/- mouse liverNnmt, Got1, Sds, Pck1Gas2Slc10a2, Ntrk2, Gls2, Lhpp, Sult5a1, Mt2, Mt1, Slc3a1, Trdn, Usp2, Cyp17a1, Upp2
Overexpressed in Gcgr-/- mouse liverIl1b, Cxcl13, Tgtp1, Cxcl9, Defb1, Vtcn1, H2-Ab1, Spon2, Il2rgCdkn1a, Igfbp1, Chac1, Cav1, Inhba, Gadd45b, Rassf4, Socs2, Meig1Serpina7, Cpt1b, Slc34a2, Fabp5, Lpl, Acaca, Asns