Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Jan 27, 2021; 13(1): 19-29
Published online Jan 27, 2021. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v13.i1.19
Table 1 Patients’ characteristics in the overweight and obese group (body mass index 25 kg/m²)
LH vs OH
LH cohort (n = 68)
OH cohort (n = 68)
P value
Sex, n (%)0.116
Male36 (52.9)45 (66.2)
Female32 (47.1)23 (33.8)
Age (yr)64.4 ± 10.264.5 ± 12.30.812
BMI (kg/m2)29.8 ± 4.929.7 ± 3.60.463
Diagnosis, n (%)0.777
LM41 (60.3)42 (61.8)
HCC20 (29.4)17 (25.0)
iCC7 (10.3)9 (13.2)
ASA, n (%)0.328
II28 (41.2)24 (35.3)
III35 (51.5)42 (61.8)
IV5 (7.4)2 (2.9)
Previous abdominal surgery, n (%)23 (33.8)26 (38.2)0.592
Clinical characteristics
Steatosis, n (%)20 (29.4)21 (30.9)0.852
Fibrosis, n (%)21 (30.9)8 (11.8)0.006
Cirrhosis, n (%)9 (13.2)12 (17.6)0.477
Albumin (g/dL)4.4 ± 0.43.6 ± 0.7< 0.001
GGT (U/L)85.1 ± 104.2119.2 ± 219.00.326
Total bilirubin (mg/dL)0.4 ± 0.30.9 ± 0.6< 0.001
Platelet count (/nL)254.0 ± 85.4230.9 ± 90.50.135
Alkaline phosphatase (U/L)85.1 ± 34.293.8 ± 84.20.584
INR0.98 ± 0.081.06 ± 0.07< 0.001
Hemoglobin (g/dL)13.3 ± 1.713.6 ± 4.10.984
Table 2 Perioperative characteristics in the overweight and obese group (body mass index 25 kg/m²)
LH vs OH
LH cohort (n = 68)
OH cohort (n = 68)
P value
Operative data
Operative time (min)194 ± 88275 ± 131< 0.001
Major resection, n (%)14 (20.6)18 (26.5)0.419
Operative procedure, n (%)0.064
Atypical15 (22.1)23 (33.8)
Segmentectomy11 (16.2)10 (14.7)
Bisegmentectomy28 (41.2)17 (25.0)
Left hepatectomy0 (0.0)5 (7.4)
Right hepatectomy13 (19.1)13 (19.1)
Extended left hepatectomy0 (0.0)1 (1.5)
Conversion4 (5.9)-
Postoperative data
Intensive care/d0.8 ± 0.71.1 ± 0.80.031
Hospitalization/d7.3 ± 3.615.7 ± 13.5< 0.001
Blood transfusion12 (17.6)16 (23.5)0.396
Hospital mortality, n (%)0 (0.0)3 (4.4)0.080
Postoperative complications, n (%)0.065
No complications54 (79.4)37 (54.4)
Clavien-Dindo I4 (5.9)5 (7.4)
Clavien-Dindo II5 (7.4)8 (11.8)
Clavien-Dindo IIIa4 (5.9)8 (11.8)
Clavien-Dindo IIIb1 (1.5)3 (4.4)
Clavien-Dindo IVa0 (0.0)4 (5.9)
Clavien-Dindo IVb0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Clavien-Dindo V0 (0.0)3 (4.4)
Clavien ≥ IIIb1 (1.5)10 (14.7)
Clavien ≥ I14 (20.6)31 (45.6)
Biliary leakage1 (1.5)10 (14.7)0.005
Liver failure0 (0.0)4 (5.9)0.042
Surgical site infections2 (2.9)6 (8.8)0.145
Pneumonia0 (0.0)6 (8.8)0.012
CCI3.9 ± 9.115.4 ± 23.60.000
Estimated cost (€)10060 ± 153711789 ± 59730.779
Table 3 Perioperative characteristics in the obese group (body mass index 30 kg/m²)
LH vs OH
LH cohort (n = 27)
OH cohort (n = 29)
P value
Operative data
Operative time (min)194 ± 81260 ± 1370.009
Major resection, n (%)5 (18.5)5 (17.2)0.901
Operative procedure, n (%)0.257
Atypical7 (25.9)8 (27.6)
Segmentectomy4 (14.8)7 (24.1)
Bisegmentectomy11 (40.7)9 (31.0)
Left hepatectomy0 (0.0)3 (10.3)
Right hepatectomy5 (18.5)2 (6.9)
Conversion2 (7.4)-
Postoperative data
Intensive care/d0.7 ± 0.41.0 ± 0.80.240
Hospitalization/d7.7 ± 4.317.2 ± 17< 0.001
Blood transfusion3 (11.1)8 (27.6)0.121
Hospital mortality, n (%)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0.080
Postoperative complications, n (%)0.562
No complications19 (70.4)17 (58.6)
Clavien-Dindo I3 (11.1)2 (6.9)
Clavien-Dindo II1 (3.7)2 (6.9)
Clavien-Dindo IIIa3 (11.1)3 (10.3)
Clavien-Dindo IIIb1 (3.7)2 (6.9)
Clavien-Dindo IVa0 (0.0)3 (10.3)
Clavien-Dindo IVb0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Clavien-Dindo V0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Clavien ≥ IIIb1 (3.7)5 (17.2)0.102
Clavien ≥ I8 (29.6)12 (41.4)0.359
Biliary leakage1 (3.7)3 (10.3)0.335
Liver failure0 (0.0)2 (6.9)0.165
Surgical site infections2 (7.4)4 (13.8)0.440
Pneumonia0 (0.0)0 (0.0)-
CCI5.4 ± 11.112.3 ± 16.80.132
Estimated cost (€)10111 ± 1748 11021 ± 31330.710