Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. Dec 16, 2016; 8(20): 785-794
Published online Dec 16, 2016. doi: 10.4253/wjge.v8.i20.785
Table 1 Questions and answers regarding clinical settings in 37 hospitals n (%)
No.QuestionAnswer (n = 37)High volume (n = 18)Low volume (n = 19)P valueEast Japan (n = 21)West Japan (n = 16)P value
1Did you answer the questions based on a clinical database?
Yes31 (83.8)16 (51.6)15 (48.4)18 (58.1)13 (41.9)
No6 (16.2)2 (33.3)4 (66.7)0.6603 (50.0)3 (50.0)1.000
2Do you have a specific institutional strategy for CDB?
Yes5 (13.5)05 (100)2 (40.0)3 (60.0)
No32 (86.5)18 (56.3)14 (43.7)0.04619 (59.4)13 (40.6)0.634
3How many patients are hospitalized for CDB annually?
1-1012 (32.5)7 (58.3)5 (41.7)7 (58.3)5 (41.7)
11-2010 (27.0)4 (40.0)6 (60.0)4 (40.0)6 (60.0)
21-305 (13.5)2 (40.0)3 (60.0)1 (20.0)4 (80.0)
≥ 3110 (27.0)2 (50.0)5 (50.0)0.8249 (90)1 (10)0.035
4How many emergency ambulance visits do you receive annually?1
< 200015 (44.1)5 (33.3)10 (66.7)8 (53.3)7 (46.7)
2000-600011 (32.3)4 (36.4)7 (63.6)5 (45.5)6 (54.5)
6000-100006 (17.7)6 (100)03 (50.0)3 (50.0)
≥ 100002 (5.9)02 (100)0.0122 (100)00.724
5How many endoscopists perform early colonoscopy within 24 h after patient arrival at your hospital?
12.7 ± 9.417.0 ± 11.68.8 ± 4.40.01510.4 ± 5.715.8 ± 12.50.296
6How many are expert endoscopists with endoscopic hemostasis technical skills are there at your hospital?
10.1 ± 7.513.1 ± 9.57.3 ± 3.30.0197.9 ± 3.313.0 ± 10.20.143
7Do you have nursing staff who monitor the patients’ vital signs during bowel preparation?
Yes33 (89.2)17 (51.5)16 (48.5)19 (57.6)14 (42.4)
No4 (10.8)1 (25.0)3 (75.0)0.6042 (50.0)2 (50.0)1.000
8Do you have nursing staff for early colonoscopy examinations within 24 h after patient arrival at the hospital?
Yes23 (62.2)8 (34.8)15 (65.2)13 (56.5)10 (43.5)
No14 (37.8)10 (71.4)4 (28.6)0.0458 (57.1)6 (42.9)1.000
9Do you have a water-jet colonoscope?
Yes34 (91.9)17 (50.0)17 (50.0)20 (58.9)14 (41.1)
No3 (8.1)1 (33.3)2 (66.7)1.0001 (33.3)2 (66.7)0.568
Table 2 Questions and answers regarding diagnosis of colonic diverticular bleeding in 37 hospitals n (%)
No.QuestionAnswer (n = 37)High volume (n = 18)Low volume (n = 19)P valueEast Japan (n = 21)West Japan (n= 16)P value
10What do you use as the first-line diagnostic method for hematochezia and suspected CDB?
Non-contrast-enhanced CT3 (8.1)03 (100)03 (100)
Contrast-enhanced CT22 (59.5)11 (50.0)11 (50.0)12 (54.6)10 (45.4)
Colonoscopy10 (27.0)6 (60.0)4 (40.0)7 (70.0)3 (30.0)
Contrast-enhanced CT and colonoscopy2 (5.4)1 (50.0)1 (50.0)0.3592 (100)00.101
11Can you perform urgent contrast-enhanced CT within 3 h after patient arrival at hospital?2
Yes22 (61.1)12 (54.6)10 (45.4)13 (59.1)9 (40.9)
No14 (38.9)6 (42.9)8 (57.1)0.4947 (50.0)7 (50.0)0.593
12Can you perform early colonoscopy within 24 h after patient arrival at hospital?
Yes16 (43.2)9 (56.3)7 (43.7)10 (62.5)6 (37.5)
No21 (56.8)9 (42.9)12 (57.1)0.41911 (52.4)10 (47.6)0.538
13Do you request bowel preparation?
Yes17 (46.0)6 (35.3)11 (64.7)13 (76.5)4 (23.5)
No3 (8.1)3 (100)02 (66.7)1 (33.3)
Case by case17 (45.9)9 (52.9)8 (47.1)0.1056 (35.3)11 (64.7)0.046
14Do you use a cap-assisted colonoscopy for early colonoscopy?
Yes24 (64.9)11 (45.8)13 (54.2)15 (62.5)9 (37.5)
No13 (35.1)7 (53.9)6 (46.1)0.6426 (46.2)7 (53.8)0.338
15How do you perform colonoscopy to improve identification of SRH?1
Cap-assisted colonoscopy17 (46.0)10 (58.8)7 (41.2)0.25410 (58.8)7 (41.2)0.815
Long cap-assisted colonoscopy13 (35.1)6 (46.2)7 (53.8)0.8237 (53.9)6 (46.1)0.793
Inverting diverticulum via suction of colonoscopy18 (48.7)11 (61.1)7 (38.9)0.14011 (61.1)7 (38.9)0.603
Wash out with water36 (97.3)18 (50.0)18 (50.0)1.00021 (58.3)15 (41.7)0.432
Colonoscopy by multiple doctors3 (8.1)1 (33.3)2 (66.7)1.0002 (66.7)1 (33.3)1.000
Colonoscopy under X-ray3 (8.1)1 (33.3)2 (66.7)1.0001 (33.3)2 (66.7)0.568
16Do you examine the small bowel when you are unable to diagnose definite CDB by colonoscopy?
Yes18 (48.7)11 (61.1)7 (38.9)10 (55.6)8 (44.4)
No7 (18.9)1 (14.3)6 (85.7)4 (57.1)3 (42.9)
Case by case12 (32.4)6 (50.0)6 (50.0)0.1457 (58.3)5 (41.7)1.000
17Which modality do you select for the small bowel examination?2
Capsule endoscopy29 (85.3)17 (58.6)12 (41.4)18 (62.1)11 (37.9)
Balloon-endoscopy2 (5.9)02 (100)1 (50.0)1 (50.0)
Case by case3 (8.8)1 (33.3)2 (66.7)0.3011 (33.3)2 (66.7)0.776
Table 3 Questions and answers regarding treatments of colonic diverticular bleeding in 37 hospitals n (%)
No.QuestionAnswer (n = 37)High volume (n = 18)Low volume (n = 19)P valueEast Japan (n = 21)West Japan (n = 16)P value
18What kind of endoscopic treatment do you perform as first-line therapy?
Clipping31 (83.8)15 (48.4)16 (51.6)1.00017 (54.8)14 (45.2)
Endoscopic band ligation5 (13.5)3 (60.0)2 (40.0)3 (60.0)2 (40.0)
Epinephrine injection1 (2.7)01 (100)1 (100)01.000
19What kinds of patient undergo non-endoscopic therapy?1
Patients with an unidentified bleeding source18 (48.7)10 (55.6)8 (44.4)0.4138 (44.4)10 (55.6)0.141
Patients with rebleeding27 (73.0)15 (55.6)12 (44.4)0.26917 (63.0)10 (37.0)0.274
Patients with hemorrhagic shock25 (67.6)15 (60.0)10 (40.0)0.07913 (52.0)12 (48.0)0.491
20What kind of non-endoscopic therapy do you perform as first-line therapy or when you are unable to identify SRH at endoscopy?
IVR24 (77.4)2 (50.0)2 (50.0)0.25310 (41.7)14 (58.3)
Surgery3 (9.7)14 (58.3)10 (41.7)3 (100)0
Barium impaction therapy4 (12.9)03 (100)3 (75.0)1 (25.0)0.145
21What kind of treatment do you perform to prevent rebleeding?1
Treatment of diabetes mellitus000NA00NA
Treatment of hypertension6 (17.1)2 (33.3)4 (66.7)0.6583 (50.0)3 (50.0)1.000
Discontinuation NSAIDs14 (40.0)7 (50.0)7 (50.0)0.89010 (71.4)4 (28.6)0.296
Discontinuation antithrombotic drugs22 (62.9)11 (50.0)11 (50.0)0.82615 (68.2)7 (31.8)0.086
Administrating vitamin D000NA00NA
Treatment of constipation14 (40.0)9 (64.3)5 (35.7)0.1296 (42.9)8 (57.1)0.163
Administrating a low fiber diet5 (14.3)2 (40.0)3 (60.0)1.0003 (60.0)2 (40.0)1.000
22Do you discontinue antithrombotic drugs on admission?
Yes22 (59.5)10 (45.5)12 (54.5)12 (54.6)10 (46.4)
No12 (32.4)7 (58.3)5 (41.7)6 (50.0)6 (50.0)
Case by case3 (8.1)1 (33.3)2 (66.7)0.6933 (100)00.398
23Do you have a strategy for restarting antithrombotic drugs?2
Yes4 (15.4)4 (100)004 (100)
No22 (84.6)6 (27.3)16 (72.7)0.01415 (68.2)7 (31.8)0.022
Table 4 Questions and answers regarding clinical outcomes of colonic diverticular bleeding in 37 hospitals n (%)
No.QuestionAnswer (n = 37)High volume (n = 18)Low volume (n = 19)P valueEast Japan (n = 21)West Japan (n = 16)P value
24How often do you identify SRH in patients who undergo colonoscopy?1
0%-20%15 (41.7)6 (40.0)9 (60.0)7 (46.7)8 (53.3)
21%-40%16 (44.4)7 (43.8)9 (56.2)10 (62.5)6 (37.5)
41%-60%4 (11.1)4 (100)03 (75.0)1 (25.0)
61%-80%1 (2.8)01 (100)01 (100)
25How often do you experience rebleeding events after endoscopic hemostasis?1
0%-20%22 (61.1)10 (45.5)12 (54.6)13 (59.1)9 (40.9)
21%-40%10 (27.8)4 (40.0)6 (60.0)7 (70.0)3 (30.0)
41%-60%3 (8.3)2 (66.7)1 (33.3)1 (33.3)2 (66.7)
61%-80%1 (2.8)1 (100)001 (100)
26How often do you experience rebleeding events after IVR?1
0%-20%27 (90.1)15 (55.6)12 (44.4)16 (59.3)11 (40.7)
41%-60%1 (3.3)01 (100)01 (100)
61%-80%1 (3.3)11 (100)01 (100)
81%-100%1 (3.3)1 (100)00.44801 (100)0.090
27How often do you experience rebleeding events after barium impaction therapy?1
0%-20%10 (71.6)6 (60.0)4 (40.0)9 (90.0)1 (10.0)
21%-40%1 (7.1)01 (100)01 (100)
41%-60%1 (7.1)01 (100)01 (100)
61%-80%1 (7.1)1 (100)001 (100)
81%-100%1 (7.1)01 (100)0.55901 (100)0.005
Table 5 Association between procedures and outcomes n (%)
SRH identification rate2
Procedure1 (Question No. 15)(n = 37)0%-20% (n = 15)21%-40% (n = 16)41%-60% (n = 4)61%-80% (n = 1)81%-100% (n = 0)P for trend
Cap-assisted colonoscopy17 (46.0)4 (25.0)9 (56.3)2 (12.5)1 (6.2)00.081
Long cap-assisted colonoscopy13 (35.1)6 (46.2)5 (38.5)2 (15.3)000.735
Inverting diverticulum via suction of colonoscopy18 (48.7)5 (29.4)10 (58.8)2 (11.8)000.588
Wash out with water36 (97.3)14 (40.0)16 (45.7)4 (11.4)1 (2.9)00.323
Colonoscopy by multiple doctors3 (8.1)2 (66.7)1 (33.3)0000.328
Colonoscopy under X-ray3 (8.1)2 (66.7)1 (33.3)0000.328
AnswerRebleeding rate2
Endoscopic treatment (Question No. 18)0%-20%21%-40%41%-60%61%-80%81%-100%P for trend
(n = 37)(n = 22)(n = 10)(n = 3)(n = 1)(n = 0)
Clipping31 (83.8)19 (63.3)8 (26.7)3 (10.0)000.290
Endoscopic band ligation5 (13.5)2 (40.0)2 (40.0)01 (20.0)00.142
Epinephrine injection1 (2.7)1 (100)00000.489